有沒有那么一種永遠 永遠不改變
有沒有那么一個世界 永遠不天黑
有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍
有没有那么一个笑容 还是灿烂着
有没有那么一个时间 一直停留着
有没有那么一个感觉 空虚不再有
有没有那么一个夜晚 不会再寂寞
有没有那么一个朋友 永远在身边
有没有那么一个他 永远支持我
只想说,你们永远活在我心里,是我生命中的一片拼图, 使我的生活更精彩。
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
..it may be an undelievered msg...
it's 3am in de morning n i got dis msg...
"....let's not contact each other alrite?it's vr hard on me.. gud luck in ur life..gud nite..gud bye.."
it sounds a bit cruel to me though..
to forget someone or to let go, if it's de only way.. juz go ahead..
u can delete me from frenster, facebook or even my contact number..
n don ever view my blog again..
actually i do felt uncomfortable when i see ur name appear on de screen after we broke up..but i had used to it now..
i truly feel unwell to lose someone like u..as a fren..
but if u wanna do so..i wont stop it...
i'll disappear from ur world if u wish to...
"....let's not contact each other alrite?it's vr hard on me.. gud luck in ur life..gud nite..gud bye.."
it sounds a bit cruel to me though..
to forget someone or to let go, if it's de only way.. juz go ahead..
u can delete me from frenster, facebook or even my contact number..
n don ever view my blog again..
actually i do felt uncomfortable when i see ur name appear on de screen after we broke up..but i had used to it now..
i truly feel unwell to lose someone like u..as a fren..
but if u wanna do so..i wont stop it...
i'll disappear from ur world if u wish to...
if u cant make de 1st step, i'll do it for u..
n it's too late to regret by dat time..
gud luck n take care...
Friday, January 16, 2009
recently i've been very busy...
it's juz de beggining of 2nd sem but there's a lot of tings to do..
but i tink not only me, everyone is so busy..
UKM election juz ended 2day...we voted for de candidates dis morning...
hmm...let me see...
i practise dance after class for 3-4 days per week for march concert..
n also my college CNY event which wil held on 21 jan 2009..
n i haven practise for de live band as a guitarist in de same show, omg!hopefully i can make it..better not embarrass de whole team..Zzz..
then hav to help in de preperation of Pesta Ang Pau dinner which is tmr nite, 16 Jan 2009..
there'll hav a very big n grand dinner at DECTAR, UKM..
furthermore, there'll hav 3 days carnival for PAP at Dewan Gemilang, from 17-19 Jan 2009..
i was informed by New Tune to sell de March concert tickets there from 6pm-11pm..
n de PAP committee ordered us to b on duty on 18 Jan 2009..
haiz...dis sem is so short n yet, so many programmes to follow..
compare to last sem, it was much easier...
n 2day i juz joined Jive class...
initially i wanted to join Samba class, but de time clash wif my arabic class, sad!!
on 2nd thought, i tink Jive wil b fun too..hehe..
there r more ballroom dance classes but they're all full ad.....swt!
besides all dis activities, tutorial class is starting next week...there'll b lots of assignments soon...gosh!
2day is such a cruel day..
de new list of our latest tutorial group had released..
due to many other classes clash wif de tutorial, our lec decided to rearranged de list..but most ppl wil remain in de same group..
there was only 2chinese girls n 1 chinese guy in my group previously..
now left 2 chinese girl...ONLY! n dat's SHE n ME!
how come they can b so cruel to me, really unexpected!
they remove Ron from my group..
omg....dunno how to survive dis time...sienx...
i keep teling myself..
again, reality is cruel!!!!!!!
though, i cannot giv up..
i had promise myself to make dis sem better than last sem..
pls support me ok?
cuz actually de 1st sem was totally sucks!
hope dis sem wont sucks like last sem.....hehe...
stand up n look forward.....
JUZ BE ME...there's nth to worry!
de only fun ting which i had discovered recently is playing pet society in facebook..intro by my roommate..n everyone is following de flow now..haha...might b outdated but it stil fun rite?haha...
p/s: juz a few moment ago, i realised dat one of my earrings is gone!damn it..it was one of my favourites...might drop at somewhere else in de bathroom..Zzz....
okay, gudnite everyone....gudnite Eggie(my pet)..n hopefullt i'll hav at least a sweet dream 2nite..haha...
it's juz de beggining of 2nd sem but there's a lot of tings to do..
but i tink not only me, everyone is so busy..
UKM election juz ended 2day...we voted for de candidates dis morning...
hmm...let me see...
i practise dance after class for 3-4 days per week for march concert..
n also my college CNY event which wil held on 21 jan 2009..
n i haven practise for de live band as a guitarist in de same show, omg!hopefully i can make it..better not embarrass de whole team..Zzz..
then hav to help in de preperation of Pesta Ang Pau dinner which is tmr nite, 16 Jan 2009..
there'll hav a very big n grand dinner at DECTAR, UKM..
furthermore, there'll hav 3 days carnival for PAP at Dewan Gemilang, from 17-19 Jan 2009..
i was informed by New Tune to sell de March concert tickets there from 6pm-11pm..
n de PAP committee ordered us to b on duty on 18 Jan 2009..
haiz...dis sem is so short n yet, so many programmes to follow..
compare to last sem, it was much easier...
n 2day i juz joined Jive class...
initially i wanted to join Samba class, but de time clash wif my arabic class, sad!!
on 2nd thought, i tink Jive wil b fun too..hehe..
there r more ballroom dance classes but they're all full ad.....swt!
besides all dis activities, tutorial class is starting next week...there'll b lots of assignments soon...gosh!
2day is such a cruel day..
de new list of our latest tutorial group had released..
due to many other classes clash wif de tutorial, our lec decided to rearranged de list..but most ppl wil remain in de same group..
there was only 2chinese girls n 1 chinese guy in my group previously..
now left 2 chinese girl...ONLY! n dat's SHE n ME!
how come they can b so cruel to me, really unexpected!
they remove Ron from my group..
omg....dunno how to survive dis time...sienx...
i keep teling myself..
again, reality is cruel!!!!!!!
though, i cannot giv up..
i had promise myself to make dis sem better than last sem..
pls support me ok?
cuz actually de 1st sem was totally sucks!
hope dis sem wont sucks like last sem.....hehe...
stand up n look forward.....
JUZ BE ME...there's nth to worry!
de only fun ting which i had discovered recently is playing pet society in facebook..intro by my roommate..n everyone is following de flow now..haha...might b outdated but it stil fun rite?haha...
p/s: juz a few moment ago, i realised dat one of my earrings is gone!damn it..it was one of my favourites...might drop at somewhere else in de bathroom..Zzz....
okay, gudnite everyone....gudnite Eggie(my pet)..n hopefullt i'll hav at least a sweet dream 2nite..haha...
Friday, January 9, 2009
keep tinking... wad is in my mind?
keep asking.... wad am i looking for?
keep wondering... y do i feel so empty inside?
keep blaming... y am i in dis place like dis 2day?
keep searching.. a world which has no sadness n vexation, only happiness..
my heart is feeling pain, it's bleeding, roaring n crying..
nobody sees...
no one knows..
i hate myself, for im guilty..
i told myself not to repeat de same mistake, but WhOops!! i did it again!
i wish to giv vent to my rage..
i wish to cry out loud..
i wish i can b myself no matter where i am...
i wish to run away..
i wish dat i wont feel lonely late at nite..
i wish all those bad memories to disappear......
but reality is so cruel, none of my wish is granted..
i tot i can treat everyone better..
i tot he is de one..
i tot i can make it..
i tot it would last long.....
but wad i tot was wrong...
ahh...im getting crazy..
wad should i do?
can anyone tell?
can i make another wish?
can i be forgiven?
can everything gets better in time?
if only i hav a chance...........
keep asking.... wad am i looking for?
keep wondering... y do i feel so empty inside?
keep blaming... y am i in dis place like dis 2day?
keep searching.. a world which has no sadness n vexation, only happiness..
my heart is feeling pain, it's bleeding, roaring n crying..
nobody sees...
no one knows..
i hate myself, for im guilty..
i told myself not to repeat de same mistake, but WhOops!! i did it again!
i wish to giv vent to my rage..
i wish to cry out loud..
i wish i can b myself no matter where i am...
i wish to run away..
i wish dat i wont feel lonely late at nite..
i wish all those bad memories to disappear......
but reality is so cruel, none of my wish is granted..
i tot i can treat everyone better..
i tot he is de one..
i tot i can make it..
i tot it would last long.....
but wad i tot was wrong...
ahh...im getting crazy..
wad should i do?
can anyone tell?
can i make another wish?
can i be forgiven?
can everything gets better in time?
if only i hav a chance...........
Monday, January 5, 2009
a shaRinG oF jOy..^^
juz a little bit sharing here..
cuz it mean sth to me....
among all of them in de dance team, he is 1 of them who im close wif..
he is a fren i knew since 22dec 2008 during de dance camp..2years older than me..obviously, my senior..
he is quite a funny guy, frenly n nice too..
we always hav lots of fun when he's around, all de laughter, jokes, bullies juz make us happy...
me n him click 2gether easily somehow...
though d time i know him is short, but i dont feel any unfamiliar to him..
i can open my heart n talk anyting to him...juz anyting..nvr feel shy..
though he seems playful, but actually he is in a relationship wif a girl for 6 years ad..such a blind passion huh..hehe..
sometimes he wil share his problem wif me too..we juz talk like gud frens do..
hmm...there's a few memories wif him..
de 1st ting is when he gave me a small packet of strepsils cuz i haven been suffer in coughing for a few daysad, n made me hard to slp at nite..
i was a bit suprised but it soothed me, even my ex nvr do dis for me, so ironic...Zzz..
2ndly, during de last nite of de camp, i din bring my slping bag n has no blanket to use..
so he lend me his comforter cuz he has extra blanket wif thin cloth..
when i woke up in de morning, he can barely cover wif blanket, so i help him to put on de comforter which i used whole nite d..
until last nite,he told me when he recall dat day, he felt a bit touched...well, i was happy to hear dat..^^
de 3rd is..2 days ago, i had a trip to genting which was invited by my coursemate...
in coincidence, his parents planned to go there too, so i asked him to follow them so dat we can meet...
i've wanted to take de chance to relax n enjoy...if hav some1 to accompany n chat wif, it would b perfect!
n dat day was his bday too, tinking dat if he passes de day alone in kajang is quite pityful...so i came up wif dis plan..haha...
well, we did enjoy a lot...
after meet up wif my coursemate n her frens, we separated n go for our own activity...
i joined my senior n 2gether, we went to play de indoor theme park...
it was very crowded in 1st world plaza, we had to queue for at least half an hour for each game..
while we're queueing, we chat a lot, watch Mr Bean on de LCD n did some silly things like playing ' blackwhite guess' n keep imitating each other on de wheel ride...it's so stupid, i cant stop laughing until i feel pain on my stomach...haha!
it's fun to bully him....XD
we had pizza's for dinner...
later on, we played bowling, basketball game n time crisis... we managed to use de tickets collected to exchange a rabbit eraser..swt~
at nite, we catch a show at de theatre...de show was 'bedtime story'...
i bet u guys knew about dis movie, it's so damn funny dat u can laugh ur ass out.....hahax~
i really had a great time dat day....cuz it had been days dat i really had no aim in living..
n now im back to ukm, it'll b stress again...at least now there's sth dat can cheer me up...
b4 going back to de hotel room, i gav him bday card n a present which i bought in genting earlier when i was shopping alone...hehe..
lastly, it was a gudbye n gudnite...
i truly feel very grateful to know dis fren...
he is de 1st 1 who makes me shows out my true idenity in university..
im happy when get going wif those guys in de dance team in New Tunes..
in contrary, i feel stress when it comes to study n FUU....sigh...
it's de only way dat makes me enjoy n relax especially when he is there...
i appreciate our frenship a lot n hopes it wont fade away..
it would b de joy part in my university life from now on, there's not only studies n tension...
frens n hobbies really mean a ting to me..
my uni life has now begun to colour itself...weee~
cuz it mean sth to me....
among all of them in de dance team, he is 1 of them who im close wif..
he is a fren i knew since 22dec 2008 during de dance camp..2years older than me..obviously, my senior..
he is quite a funny guy, frenly n nice too..
we always hav lots of fun when he's around, all de laughter, jokes, bullies juz make us happy...
me n him click 2gether easily somehow...
though d time i know him is short, but i dont feel any unfamiliar to him..
i can open my heart n talk anyting to him...juz anyting..nvr feel shy..
though he seems playful, but actually he is in a relationship wif a girl for 6 years ad..such a blind passion huh..hehe..
sometimes he wil share his problem wif me too..we juz talk like gud frens do..
hmm...there's a few memories wif him..
de 1st ting is when he gave me a small packet of strepsils cuz i haven been suffer in coughing for a few daysad, n made me hard to slp at nite..
i was a bit suprised but it soothed me, even my ex nvr do dis for me, so ironic...Zzz..
2ndly, during de last nite of de camp, i din bring my slping bag n has no blanket to use..
so he lend me his comforter cuz he has extra blanket wif thin cloth..
when i woke up in de morning, he can barely cover wif blanket, so i help him to put on de comforter which i used whole nite d..
until last nite,he told me when he recall dat day, he felt a bit touched...well, i was happy to hear dat..^^
de 3rd is..2 days ago, i had a trip to genting which was invited by my coursemate...
in coincidence, his parents planned to go there too, so i asked him to follow them so dat we can meet...
i've wanted to take de chance to relax n enjoy...if hav some1 to accompany n chat wif, it would b perfect!
n dat day was his bday too, tinking dat if he passes de day alone in kajang is quite pityful...so i came up wif dis plan..haha...
well, we did enjoy a lot...
after meet up wif my coursemate n her frens, we separated n go for our own activity...
i joined my senior n 2gether, we went to play de indoor theme park...
it was very crowded in 1st world plaza, we had to queue for at least half an hour for each game..
while we're queueing, we chat a lot, watch Mr Bean on de LCD n did some silly things like playing ' blackwhite guess' n keep imitating each other on de wheel ride...it's so stupid, i cant stop laughing until i feel pain on my stomach...haha!
it's fun to bully him....XD
we had pizza's for dinner...
later on, we played bowling, basketball game n time crisis... we managed to use de tickets collected to exchange a rabbit eraser..swt~
at nite, we catch a show at de theatre...de show was 'bedtime story'...
i bet u guys knew about dis movie, it's so damn funny dat u can laugh ur ass out.....hahax~
i really had a great time dat day....cuz it had been days dat i really had no aim in living..
n now im back to ukm, it'll b stress again...at least now there's sth dat can cheer me up...
b4 going back to de hotel room, i gav him bday card n a present which i bought in genting earlier when i was shopping alone...hehe..
lastly, it was a gudbye n gudnite...
i truly feel very grateful to know dis fren...
he is de 1st 1 who makes me shows out my true idenity in university..
im happy when get going wif those guys in de dance team in New Tunes..
in contrary, i feel stress when it comes to study n FUU....sigh...
it's de only way dat makes me enjoy n relax especially when he is there...
i appreciate our frenship a lot n hopes it wont fade away..
it would b de joy part in my university life from now on, there's not only studies n tension...
frens n hobbies really mean a ting to me..
my uni life has now begun to colour itself...weee~
Friday, January 2, 2009
a lil left behind...
i attended a dance camp last year end of dec..
we hav a show to run in dis year March..
it was very fun..
we trained de whole day yet we stayed up late at nite for games..
for de 1st time i feel dat stretching is so hard!lolx..
though we're tired but we enjoyed de moment...
but christmas eve was a waste to me...
i wanted to meet up my trip frens at sunway...but at last me n my sis went to catch a night show at sungei wang..
i was very tired dat time so i made up my mind not to meet them..
we took taxi back home after de movie..it cost RM25 for de ride!wtflower..
meanwhile, my camp frens went to 1U n they count down at de curve...
n they had supper at ss2...
gosh, i missed all de fun..
i had sweet memory n pity memory of christmas eve now..
but it's all over...
i wil try to make it better for de next!
rmb, life is short....live to de fullest~
btw, very glad to know some frens in my dance team...
though we had bad experience when de thief broke into de house n stole 3 laptops, hp n cash on de last day of our training..n monkey entered de house another day to seek for food...haha..
but luckily all of them r quite optimistic, so it did not make us feel very bad..
on de last nite, we spent our time 2gether at McD, we planned to slp at 6am..we stayed at McD til 4am playing "chicken, egg, cake"..hahax...
i really had great fun wif u guys!!thx for de sharing...hehe...
do our best for de show!we rawkx!!
H A P P Y 2 0 0 9 ^^
we hav a show to run in dis year March..
it was very fun..
we trained de whole day yet we stayed up late at nite for games..
for de 1st time i feel dat stretching is so hard!lolx..
though we're tired but we enjoyed de moment...
but christmas eve was a waste to me...
i wanted to meet up my trip frens at sunway...but at last me n my sis went to catch a night show at sungei wang..
i was very tired dat time so i made up my mind not to meet them..
we took taxi back home after de movie..it cost RM25 for de ride!wtflower..
meanwhile, my camp frens went to 1U n they count down at de curve...
n they had supper at ss2...
gosh, i missed all de fun..
i had sweet memory n pity memory of christmas eve now..
but it's all over...
i wil try to make it better for de next!
rmb, life is short....live to de fullest~
btw, very glad to know some frens in my dance team...
though we had bad experience when de thief broke into de house n stole 3 laptops, hp n cash on de last day of our training..n monkey entered de house another day to seek for food...haha..
but luckily all of them r quite optimistic, so it did not make us feel very bad..
on de last nite, we spent our time 2gether at McD, we planned to slp at 6am..we stayed at McD til 4am playing "chicken, egg, cake"..hahax...
i really had great fun wif u guys!!thx for de sharing...hehe...
do our best for de show!we rawkx!!
H A P P Y 2 0 0 9 ^^
Trip to Cambodia
suddenly has de feel to blog...
but dunno wad to write, so i juz write about my trip to Cambodia lah..
me n my family went to Cambodia for vacation on 13 Dec 2008..
it was a 5days 4 nites trip..
we went to Siam Reap for de 1st 2 days..
on de 1st day,we visited de handicraft centre, de most poor village in Cambodia which they all live on de river..
de boat is their home, without doors..n they catch fish for living...
we had de chance to try foot massage in Cambodia too...
not bad at all..de feeling was really great, wanted to hav it for de 2nd time..hehe...
in de evening, we went to Bakeng Hill...it is only 65meters high...
we had to walk inside n climbed de super narrow staircase to reach de top to watch de sunset..
it was very beautiful, if u go to Cambodia, muz not missed it!hehez...
btw, both my aunts could make it to de top bcuz they're aging..it was quite dangerous, once u slipped....sure kena hospitalize...lolx..
after dat, we had a gud rest in de hotel...
de room is so WOW....
it's more than enuff for 2 persons per room, it's very wide, clean n comfortable..
on de 2nd day, we visited de Angkor Wat n a few other temples...
well, i cant rmb de names cuz they're so hard to pronounce n to remember..hahax..
we muz hav a pass to visit these places...
we got our pass on de previous day which has a photo of us on it, it can b a souvenir for de tourist too...wad a gud idea, hehe...
de view of de Angkor Wat is very nice n beautiful..
but de weather was damn hot! but luckily it did not rain, or else...we might walking on muds...yucks~
it was very tiring...
we had buffet for dinner...there were so many choices, omg...they're so mouth-watering..
n de ice cream is really different, nvr try it b4..i ate 5 or 6 of it...hehe..
i got to know some new frens from de trip..
but so sad dat they all r younger than me, haha...
we gathered beside de pool in de hotel n play cards game..
we also chat quite a lot to know each other better n we did make a lot of noises, probably is bcuz of our laughing sound..hehe..
until then, some customers made a complaint of us n one of de hotel worker came to told us to dismiss cuz we're too noisy...haha...so funny...lolx
but we did not surrender, we changed our location to de lobby..
but after a while, we felt slpy n all of us go back to our room n slp....ZZzz.. 
3rd day....hmm..quite boring cuz we traveled from Siam Reap to Penom Penh n it took about 6hours..equals to de journey from KL to A/S..haha...
sumore de bus seat is not comfortable, n de air-cond was freezing us!but at noon, de driver switch off de air-cond n de all of us starting to diaphoresis...
when we reached there, de tour guide took us to hav look at de roadside food..
it was disgusting...they eat fried spidies...crickets...snails.... wadever insects they can catch, they eat it!it has a story of behind dis actually..hehe..
after dat, we visited de independent monument, de victory monument, chaktomuk Rivers n took a few pictures of it...
at nite, we visited Cambodia Largest International Casino..
lost 10US$ at there..haha...so lousy..
de city looks richer than Siam Reap..
there r more cars n motorbikes..
de ppl in Cambodia dont nid a lisence for bikes, n they can carry as many ppl as they wan as long as it fits...crazy rite?lolx..
n de car lisence doesnt nid to renew 1, walao....so unfair!hahax... 
4th day..
we visited de Royal Palace...there is a gold n silver temple, all de statues was made of gold...swt..
wad can i say..de King is quite handsome! LOL...
later on, we visit de Toul Sleng Museum..
we had a terrible feeling when we're there bcuz uncountable humans were tortured there n de way they tortured is so humanless..!
some were tortured til death, but most of them were murdered at de killing field n they were buried there...
so glad dat we din visit to de killing field, or else we might have nightmare for a week!!!Zzz..
so horrible..never wanna step in dat place again!
after dat we went shopping at de Russian market n de central market..
de tings r not cheap actually cuz we paid by US currency..
better shop at Thailand..hehe..

last day...we had our own free time..
some went shopping but me n my family went for a boat ride at Chaktomuk River..juz wanted to see how de 4 rivers r separated..
we had our lunch at Pizza Company...
we juz ordered de regular size pizza, but i tink de size is equal to our large size...lol..
they were very delicious, cant forget de last meal we had there....haha...
n congratz to de Cambodians dat they're going to hav KFC there dis year...=)
de end of de trip... 
hmm....de whole trip was fun as we can visited to different places, see different cultures of others n try different food....haha... n it was quite happy cuz i got to know all de trip youngsters...lolx..
i stil rmb when back from Cambodia, we ran all de way long to de plane juz to book seat for other cuz it was free seated...
oh, one ting...Air Asia really sux!! especially de seats, i cant slp well on it.. n bcuz of it is free seated, it makes it bcom low standard ad... but bo bian cuz de price is cheap..haha..
okay, i tink i hav nth much to say now.. juz an advice...
if u wanna go Cambodia, go when u're young...^^
suddenly has de feel to blog...
but dunno wad to write, so i juz write about my trip to Cambodia lah..
me n my family went to Cambodia for vacation on 13 Dec 2008..
it was a 5days 4 nites trip..
we went to Siam Reap for de 1st 2 days..
on de 1st day,we visited de handicraft centre, de most poor village in Cambodia which they all live on de river..
de boat is their home, without doors..n they catch fish for living...
we had de chance to try foot massage in Cambodia too...
not bad at all..de feeling was really great, wanted to hav it for de 2nd time..hehe...
in de evening, we went to Bakeng Hill...it is only 65meters high...
we had to walk inside n climbed de super narrow staircase to reach de top to watch de sunset..
it was very beautiful, if u go to Cambodia, muz not missed it!hehez...
btw, both my aunts could make it to de top bcuz they're aging..it was quite dangerous, once u slipped....sure kena hospitalize...lolx..
after dat, we had a gud rest in de hotel...
de room is so WOW....
it's more than enuff for 2 persons per room, it's very wide, clean n comfortable..
de view of sunset from Bakeng Hil
on de 2nd day, we visited de Angkor Wat n a few other temples...
well, i cant rmb de names cuz they're so hard to pronounce n to remember..hahax..
we muz hav a pass to visit these places...
we got our pass on de previous day which has a photo of us on it, it can b a souvenir for de tourist too...wad a gud idea, hehe...
de view of de Angkor Wat is very nice n beautiful..
but de weather was damn hot! but luckily it did not rain, or else...we might walking on muds...yucks~
it was very tiring...
we had buffet for dinner...there were so many choices, omg...they're so mouth-watering..
n de ice cream is really different, nvr try it b4..i ate 5 or 6 of it...hehe..
i got to know some new frens from de trip..
but so sad dat they all r younger than me, haha...
we gathered beside de pool in de hotel n play cards game..
we also chat quite a lot to know each other better n we did make a lot of noises, probably is bcuz of our laughing sound..hehe..
until then, some customers made a complaint of us n one of de hotel worker came to told us to dismiss cuz we're too noisy...haha...so funny...lolx
but we did not surrender, we changed our location to de lobby..
but after a while, we felt slpy n all of us go back to our room n slp....ZZzz..
de scenery beside de South Gate of Angkor Wat
3rd day....hmm..quite boring cuz we traveled from Siam Reap to Penom Penh n it took about 6hours..equals to de journey from KL to A/S..haha...
sumore de bus seat is not comfortable, n de air-cond was freezing us!but at noon, de driver switch off de air-cond n de all of us starting to diaphoresis...
when we reached there, de tour guide took us to hav look at de roadside food..
it was disgusting...they eat fried spidies...crickets...snails.... wadever insects they can catch, they eat it!it has a story of behind dis actually..hehe..
after dat, we visited de independent monument, de victory monument, chaktomuk Rivers n took a few pictures of it...
at nite, we visited Cambodia Largest International Casino..
lost 10US$ at there..haha...so lousy..
de city looks richer than Siam Reap..
there r more cars n motorbikes..
de ppl in Cambodia dont nid a lisence for bikes, n they can carry as many ppl as they wan as long as it fits...crazy rite?lolx..
n de car lisence doesnt nid to renew 1, walao....so unfair!hahax...
dare to try dis??? XD
4th day..
we visited de Royal Palace...there is a gold n silver temple, all de statues was made of gold...swt..
wad can i say..de King is quite handsome! LOL...
later on, we visit de Toul Sleng Museum..
we had a terrible feeling when we're there bcuz uncountable humans were tortured there n de way they tortured is so humanless..!
some were tortured til death, but most of them were murdered at de killing field n they were buried there...
so glad dat we din visit to de killing field, or else we might have nightmare for a week!!!Zzz..
so horrible..never wanna step in dat place again!
after dat we went shopping at de Russian market n de central market..
de tings r not cheap actually cuz we paid by US currency..
better shop at Thailand..hehe..
visit to de Royal Palace
de torture room in Toul Sleng Museum
last day...we had our own free time..
some went shopping but me n my family went for a boat ride at Chaktomuk River..juz wanted to see how de 4 rivers r separated..
we had our lunch at Pizza Company...
we juz ordered de regular size pizza, but i tink de size is equal to our large size...lol..
they were very delicious, cant forget de last meal we had there....haha...
n congratz to de Cambodians dat they're going to hav KFC there dis year...=)
de end of de trip...
de entire trip members ^^
hmm....de whole trip was fun as we can visited to different places, see different cultures of others n try different food....haha... n it was quite happy cuz i got to know all de trip youngsters...lolx..
i stil rmb when back from Cambodia, we ran all de way long to de plane juz to book seat for other cuz it was free seated...
oh, one ting...Air Asia really sux!! especially de seats, i cant slp well on it.. n bcuz of it is free seated, it makes it bcom low standard ad... but bo bian cuz de price is cheap..haha..
okay, i tink i hav nth much to say now.. juz an advice...
if u wanna go Cambodia, go when u're young...^^
Thursday, January 1, 2009
能不能给我一首歌的时间 - 周杰伦
雨淋湿了天空 毁得很讲究
你说你不懂 为何在这时牵手
我晒干了沉默 悔得很冲动
就算这是做错 也只是怕错过
在一起叫梦 分开了叫痛
是不是说 没有做完的梦最痛
迷路的后果 我能承受这
最后的出口 在爱过了才有
Light On - David Cook
Never really said too much
Afraid it wouldn't be enough
Just try to keep my spirits up
When there's no point in grieving
Doesn't matter anyway
Words could never make me stay
Words will never take my place
When you know I'm leaving
You know we've been down that road
What seems a thousand times before
My back to a closing door and my eyes to the seasons
That roll out underneath my heels
And you don't know how bad it feels
To leave the only one that I have ever believed in
Try to leave a light on when I'm gone
Something I rely on to get home
One I can feel at night
A naked light, a fire to keep me warm
Try to leave a light on when I'm gone
Even in the daylight, shine on
And when it's late at night you can look inside
You won't feel so alone
Sometimes it feels like we've run out of luck
When the signal keeps on breaking up
When the wires cross in my brain
You'll start my heart again
When I come along
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