Wednesday, August 20, 2014



理想算个屁啊 爱情算什么东西
时代总是在变 有些不知所措

我不想变一个时空 也不想变也一个废物

多少次的背上 就把我埋入黄岗

是我算个屁啊 谁要算什么东西
真理总是在陪 早己注定迷茫

我不想变一个时空 也不想变也一个废物

流着坚强的泪水 放荡并且迷惘

自由算个屁啊 永恒算什么东西
是非总是在别 我也不法分辨

我不想变一个时空 也不想变也一个废物

- 汪峰《觉醒》


又有谁知道 回忆的痛苦

当爱已走了 跟着去的不只是一个人而已 而是许多的友谊 许多的关怀 留下的则是四年的回忆

最近听汪峰的感触很多 每一首歌的旋律和歌词 好像事曾相似的感觉 眼泪不受控制地流下来 烫着了脸庞

大家都说让时间治疗伤口 但是 真的每道伤口都能痊愈吗? 时间久了,对对方的感觉会淡掉  或许还会把对方的样子给忘了 但, 当我回忆起所有的事情的时候 感觉好像昨天一样 很真 好像时间一直没走 一直停留在那里

或许我个性有关 从我小的时候 有很多事情到现在我都还记得 而且也忘不了当时的感觉 不是可憎的事 而多数是失望失落那些事情

可能我是个很没有安全感的人 所以很害怕落空那种感觉 有时候会不由自主的回想起这四年来一些对我来说比较有纪念性或印象深刻的事情 那种感觉我无法倾诉 只有自己最清楚 因为自身体会过 

在这寂静又阴凉的夜晚 我戴上耳机听着汪峰的《北京北京》 一首我原本就喜欢的歌 今天听的时候那种撕心裂肺感觉特别强 很想大哭咆哮一场 把全部怨恨都发出来

不甘愿时间过的这么快 不甘愿人生为什么那么痛苦 不甘愿为什么我的幸福那么遥远 不甘愿为什么我要的理想那么难

我在这里欢笑 我在这里哭泣
我在这里活着 也在这死去
我在这里祈祷 我在这里迷惘
我在这里寻找 也在这死去

- 汪峰《北京北京》

我到底该置身何处?到底我人生的目的是什么? 人,活得那么辛苦是为了什么?

这四句含义太大太深了 为了梦想而造成的遍体鳞伤 心碎且无可奈何 最终决定待在原地 因为有太多的牵挂和眷恋的东西

分手 到底是为了自己的理想 还是因为心累了所有才有勇气说出来? 其实,都不重要了 因为现在的我是一个人 我不满失去曾有的幸福 只为了塑造模糊的未来

事实就是 这就是我必须付出的代价
我特别想念想在中国待过的那些日子 他家在那里所以我去过了好多次大陆
很怀念在那个冬天里 我们走在大街上 天气很冷所以我们都穿上冬衣 他牵着我的手就这样一直走 那种感觉心里暖暖的 他走到哪我就跟到哪 那种信任和当时的安全感 好像我什么都不必担心 一切有他在

而现在 我必须梦醒了 心里一阵一阵的痛


- 汪峰《当我想你的时候》

所失去的幸福再也找不回 就算回头那感觉已不对 所逝去的青春再也追不回 只有继续往前走

我只盼望有一天能回到那个地方那个季节 再一次回顾当时的幸福 就算感觉不一样 也只有那样我才能得到安慰

Monday, August 18, 2014

Drinking Issue

I always have problem in controlling my drinking ability and this problem became apparent and frequent in these few months. Ever since I break up in a 4 years relationship, I got drunk at almost every drinking occasion and black out so quickly. This is really terrible and it horrifies me when my friends/colleagues told me what I have done when I was drunk realising that I couldn't remember a single thing at all.

A random friend advised me that I shouldn't do this if I am bothered what others say about me because people will judge me. To be honest, it did horrified me and I did felt terrible when I knew that I black out (I didn't know it before anyone tells me). I always think that what others think of me are not important, they judge me because they don't know me. However, it did bothered me when someone who I care for, example: my friends, were one of those who judged me / say something unpleasant behind me. Then I figured out that this is not I want, I do not want to create further misunderstanding or conflict with the people around me. If I can't control / stop  what others say about me, then I should change my own behaviour.

At a point, I am thankful to have friends who took care of me when I was drunk and at the next event told me that they are all ready for me to get drunk and will take care of me. But I do not want to be a party crasher that someone has to take care of me and couldn't enjoy the party because I am drunk.

To my surprise, I actually do not know and cannot estimate my drinking limit. When I am happy or when I have a clear mind, I can be sober after many glasses. But, when I am depressed or have many emotional feelings came to me, I can be drunk even at three sips of hard liquor! And sometimes, I sent drunk texts or made drunk calls. These really freak me out!

I was letting loose of myself so much that I was not worried to get drunk. I just didn't care because I am in so much pain. I let them all out. I just want to know how REAL can I be.

“Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They’re the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They’re usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they’re a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can’t trust a man who’s afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It’s damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he’s heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl.” - James Crumley

Guess this is my unbridled period. Until I am sick of all these drinking issues and dramas, I am going to quit the activity.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reminiscing The Past

It wasn't true when I said that there aren't anything to remember during my uni time. I actually had the greatest moment, just that I don't see it until now.

When someone is in a difficult situation, he/she will think of the good past.

Likewise, I'm currently undergoing a tight situation with someone close, or at least I see that someone as one of my close friends. This reminds me of my past time and especially the time which I spent with someone who once loved me for 4 years and my uni friends.

I have (had) a few groups of friends in uni who I used to see quite often- firstly my colleague friends and coursemates, then came the New Tune Crew and dancers for Tanglung festival, and finally friends from China.

Perhaps I didn't understand the whole situation.. When I look back at my past self, I think I was a terrible person who was a coward and a little paranoid. When I thought I was doing something for other's sake, at the same time I wanted something good in return. And when i don't get what I was expecting for, I got upset and I reacted in a negative way thinking that I was the only victim who suffers from that situation without considering others' feelings.

For some reasons, I hurt a few of my friends' feelings. I admit that I was a greedy and selfish person who is also bad in handling issues and poor social skills that I don't even understand myself sometimes!

I thank god that my friends did not give up on me and they chose to hold on to our friendship. I would like to apologize to those whom I had hurt their feelings before and I thanks them for believing in me with my whole heart.

Due to some situations that I have encountered recently, I kept on thinking about the past, those bitter sweet memories and I feel sourness in my heart. I really am a lucky girl to have my girl friends to share things with now and to catch up with them occasionally. I wanted to tell those people whom I once hurt how sorry and regret I felt towards my attitude..

The only regret is that almost all of my friends from China have gone back to their country and some of them have settled down. We didn't have a proper goodbye. Or I should say that I never tell them how happy I was to have them as my wasted friends! Don't get me wrong, it's a commendatory. True that we always spent time partying and spent like nobody's else business; they smoke they get girls they spit they are loud and we all get wasted, but SO WHAT? They are really good to me and they RESPECT me as a friend.

I was quite an inferior individual back then and so I didn't really open up myself to them. If only I could open up myself more like now, I would talk none-stop to them and not let the time past without saying a word; I would share my joy and madness with them and vice versa; I would let them know how fun they are; I would cherish our friendship and thank them for treating me as a (long-time) member of their group. These are the words that I regret that I never tell them. And now we are separated across the ocean since a few years ago, it is unlikely that we all will see each other in a group again for everyone has moved on with their own lives. And I only even get to say goodbye to the one I loved through the phone only. The good side was that we leave good memory to each other at our last date.

It is so saddening and I feel real heartache when think of these.

I don't care what people think China people. To me, they are good people and loyal to friends, at least the people that I know of are nice! Unlike some people around me now.... A big disappointment!

Time is cruel. I shed for the pure happiness which has been long gone. What about now? You'll never know what you got til it's gone.

"想留不能留 才最寂寞
没说完温柔 只剩离歌
心碎前一秒 用力的相擁著沈默用心跳送你 辛酸離歌"

Each and every time when I watch China entertainment or listen to Chinese songs, I will think of the days I've spent with my Chinese friends. It is very strange because I always have this special feeling when listening to Chinese speaking. It is something which I am very familiar of, something which I miss but I have never and could never own it.

If only I could tell all of them I miss them so much.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Take It All (With My Love)

Adele has many great songs about love and relationships. This one below is a great piece. It is simply heartbreaking just by reading the lyrics.

Didn't I give it all?
Tried my best
Gave you everything I had
Everything and no less

Didn't I do it right?
Did I let you down?
Maybe you got too used to not having me around

Still how can you walk away from all my tears?
It's gonna be an empty road without me right here
But go on and take it
Take it all with you
Don't look back at this crumbling fool
Just take it all with my love
Take it all with my love

Maybe I should leave to help you see
Nothing is better than this
And this is everything we need
So is it over?
Is this really it?

You're giving up so easily
I thought you loved me more than this
But go on, go on and take it
Take it all with you
Don't look back at this crumbling fool
Just take it all with my love
Take it all with my love

I will change if I must
Slow it down and bring it home, I will adjust
Oh, if only, if only you knew
Everything I do is for you

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Coming Through

Back to where I have started. I am again, on my own. This time, it's different as I am no longer a student in comparison with 4 years ago when I was still young and ignorant.

The people and the society surrounding me now are completely different. But I am not lost nor shocked as I have came prepared. To start a whole new life all over again. I take this as a second chance given and I shall not fail again.

Now, I am trying to achieve what I want in life and to become a person who I'd like to become, for my own 's sake. In the past, I was afraid to go after what I wanted for myself and often put other's priority before mine. Probably I was somehow, trained to be like that because I am the middle child in my family. When my elder sister always gets what she requests for and the best thing goes to my younger sister, and I will get the left over. End up I wasn't happy with what I got.

Nobody cares whether you are happy, all they care is they get what they want.'

Too many heartbreaks, too many broken dreams, too many rejections, too much anger and grieveness, too many disappointment....towards myself. Because I mind how people think about me or how they look at me, all I wanted to do is become a better person in the eyes of others.

I was totally wrong for thinking ans actung in that way. Not only that i didn't do better but I was lost. It took me so so so long to finally THINK and FIND my own ways to get out of there. It wasn't easy and in fact, I was risking my destiny.

And finally, I have came to the decision and I chose my future over everything else. I ended my 4 years relationship and decided to remain at the place where I am currently working at and to stay at the place where I am staying now. I am not going anywhere because I like being here. I feel happier here and have a sense of belonging. As simple as that.

To myself, I still possess the same personality but I have changed my attitude towards life and many other things for "your attitude can either make things or break things ". What is in the past is already a past. But, make sure you don't regret of your decision. For things that I have regreted of letting go, I am going make up to them because I shouldn't have removed from my life.

I admit that there are false decisions that I have made in the past and mistakes. But all these make up my life and make me grow wiser and stronger each day. I can't guarantee that I will always do the right thing from now onwards because I am not perfect, no one is and we are all human beings - who tend to make mistakes!

But no matter how, I will still be humble and keep learning. I am not afraid to be myself now and I am happier, in general. :)

Life still sucks sometimes, but hey, nothing is permanent so does trouble. :) So, just keep calm and say "I love my life!". :)