I got an orientation which last for 7days in UKM after de registration hours on 29 June 2008..well, it was a gud experienced n i did enjoy it!
it was very tiring bcuz we juz slpt for 2 or 3 hours per day, we don even had sufficient time to eat n bath..
every minit passed so fast dat we had to eat really quickly if we wanna had a short bath..
i get to know frens from different states, races n religions..
n our seniors r very nice to us, they taught us a lot of tings dat we should know as a student in UKM...
but we get scolded on 1 nite bcuz got ppl complaint our seniors to PMUKM..
dunno which fools did dat until 800 of us scolded by de seniors n they ignore us after dat..
we started to panic when seeing our seniors leaving, we juz realised dat how important they r to us!!
but we managed to slove de problem after some 'temporally leaders' stood out to negotiate wif them..
gosh, we slp on 3am dat nite n hav to gather by 5am..
cuz de next day is our day---aku janji,ikrar..
but me n clara was late!
we woke up at 7am++...!!
luckily got senior drove us there wif a van, thx to them lotz!!
my roommie, Clara n i...wif panda eyes @@
Our dearest seniors =)
oh ya...
got one day,i fell down into de drain while dinner time at cafe..
walao, so 'sia sui'..
my legs full wif 'colours' after dat..
dare not to wear shorts until all de 'colours' fade away..
de most enjoyable moment was de sports day..
we learned a lot of cheers to support our team..Pendeta Za'ba..
on dat nite, we got 'malam kebudayaan UKM' at DECTAR, it was also known as 'perang kolej'..
after de event, other colleges leave de hall n left us, keris mas, burhanuddin helmi n ibrahim yaacob in de hall..
de winners wil b de one who is de last to leave de hall..
our college was far away n we had to go back by bus..
so we got no choice, we r de 1st one who leave among de 4 colleges..
DECTAR's stage
still, i'm proud to b a resident of Kolej Pendeta Za'ba, we r under private, not de government.. we had de most number of residents in UKM n all de facilities r gud..although it is a bit isolated..cuz it is far from de center part..
but we had fresh air, lake n a pretty view there..hehe..
Jijik ah.....lolx
de last nite of de orientation week, which is on saturday...we had a dinner wif college's principle..
but i din really eat 2gether wif him cuz me n other 5 members performed in korean dance...
De dancers
after dat, it was de end of de orientation...
ktsn had went to kl branch on friday..
we continue our own journey in UKM....
wish all my frens gud luck n hope we can bcom succesful graduates!!
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