Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bedtime Story
"Once upon a time, in a world like 2009, there was a boy and a girl. One day, they visited a village in the morning. They were having lots of fun at the village. There were only the boy and the girl. When it was about noon already, they have to stop playing and return home as the boy still have his duty to do. There was a wooden suspension bridge en route out from the village and they have to cross it. It was long and dangerous and there was a reservoir under the bridge. The boy let the girl to go first and he followed her at behind. When she reached the middle of the bridge, suddenly the wood that the girl was stepping cracked and the bridge were destroyed subsequently. They both fell down into the reservoir which contained greenish water. stinked! The water's flow was strong that they were rushed by the force of the water. They couldn't control themselves. The boy was rushed to a narrow exit and he was stucked at there. He used his leg to support himself. At that moment, the girl who came rushing by the water reached to the boy, because of the strong water flow, they collided together. This helped them to make through the exit but they were still rushing by the water........" The boy opened his eyes, the girl wasn't there... He was sweating over his whole body, nervous and sacred....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What is the matter of you, love?
It's been a few days since my last post about him. (Just three days ago, more than one right? haha!!) All I want to say is, the more I know of him, the more I don't want to fall for him. It's kinda complicated and I don't think I have a good understanding of it although it's my problem. Haha.
A friend of mine told me that she has a friend who is likely to act like her soulmate. Since the first time they met, they were like 10 years friends and can just share anything with each other. But then, the 'soulmate' is not her boyfriend and she said he couldn't become her boyfriend, but he is likely to be or perhaps, maybe he'll have the chance to be her soulmate? LOL. I'm confused now because the situation that my friend was saying actually happened on me, I guess. Right after the day I posted about him, we chatted as normal at night. But this time, we shared more, more than what we normally did. I'm suprised that he can just tell me anything, including his past, his mother and also his girlfriend. I asked him why is he trusting me so much and tell me so much about him, he answered because he treated me as friend, but normally he won't tell that to people. What does he mean? I doubt that he is giving me an honest answer. Think twice, maybe he really just treated me as a good friend. A friend whom he can share anything with, like a guardian angel. ;O It doesn't matter actually because I know I should not be with him no matter what. He got them all, family and lover. He has a great lover who I can never a good one and he is indeed very 'xing fu' right now, that's all I know. Honestly, I will feel sorry to him if he loses what he has now. I know I should't like him because even if he likes me back, I would not want to hurt the innocent girl. I felt really bad and hurt when think of this. I'm fond of someone who can never and shouldn't be mine. The feeling is 10 times worse than when you see the last pair of shoes that you love and it's not your size! You can say that I'm stupid that this is self-inflicted, I'm the one who put myself into this situation and I will be responsible for my own liability.
Another friend of mine felt vexed because the girl whom he liked rejected him and this time, she told him to give up which she never tells him to. My friend is a guy with such a strong determination and too positive thinking (sometimes) which I felt it will be quite terrible if I met someone like him and he insisted that he will not give up several times. This time, when the girl asked him to give up, he was so moody and he hesitated. He asked me for some advice whether should he give up. Look at myself, I can't tell him to really give up because I'm the one who is not giving up right now. I told him the consequences of being in such a bad situations and asked him to follow his own decision. Both are my friends but they are not happy when the girl talked about someone else. Love should not be selfish as people said, "if you love something, set it free. It will come back to you if it's yours" which I believe is quite true. But sometimes, the chance is just there and we have to grab it. It won't be yours if you didn't give it a try at all. There will be no rainbow if you miss this one, right in front of you. It is really confusing; Whether should give up or not, it only depends of one's state of mind. It is easy. I really miss those days when we're sitting in the class happily together, without worries, without anger, only smiles on our faces. I believe that this problem will be dealt with some day, it's just a matter of time. Have a good fortune.
p/s: I'm tired but I can't sleep, feel like crying but there's no tears.
A friend of mine told me that she has a friend who is likely to act like her soulmate. Since the first time they met, they were like 10 years friends and can just share anything with each other. But then, the 'soulmate' is not her boyfriend and she said he couldn't become her boyfriend, but he is likely to be or perhaps, maybe he'll have the chance to be her soulmate? LOL. I'm confused now because the situation that my friend was saying actually happened on me, I guess. Right after the day I posted about him, we chatted as normal at night. But this time, we shared more, more than what we normally did. I'm suprised that he can just tell me anything, including his past, his mother and also his girlfriend. I asked him why is he trusting me so much and tell me so much about him, he answered because he treated me as friend, but normally he won't tell that to people. What does he mean? I doubt that he is giving me an honest answer. Think twice, maybe he really just treated me as a good friend. A friend whom he can share anything with, like a guardian angel. ;O It doesn't matter actually because I know I should not be with him no matter what. He got them all, family and lover. He has a great lover who I can never a good one and he is indeed very 'xing fu' right now, that's all I know. Honestly, I will feel sorry to him if he loses what he has now. I know I should't like him because even if he likes me back, I would not want to hurt the innocent girl. I felt really bad and hurt when think of this. I'm fond of someone who can never and shouldn't be mine. The feeling is 10 times worse than when you see the last pair of shoes that you love and it's not your size! You can say that I'm stupid that this is self-inflicted, I'm the one who put myself into this situation and I will be responsible for my own liability.
Another friend of mine felt vexed because the girl whom he liked rejected him and this time, she told him to give up which she never tells him to. My friend is a guy with such a strong determination and too positive thinking (sometimes) which I felt it will be quite terrible if I met someone like him and he insisted that he will not give up several times. This time, when the girl asked him to give up, he was so moody and he hesitated. He asked me for some advice whether should he give up. Look at myself, I can't tell him to really give up because I'm the one who is not giving up right now. I told him the consequences of being in such a bad situations and asked him to follow his own decision. Both are my friends but they are not happy when the girl talked about someone else. Love should not be selfish as people said, "if you love something, set it free. It will come back to you if it's yours" which I believe is quite true. But sometimes, the chance is just there and we have to grab it. It won't be yours if you didn't give it a try at all. There will be no rainbow if you miss this one, right in front of you. It is really confusing; Whether should give up or not, it only depends of one's state of mind. It is easy. I really miss those days when we're sitting in the class happily together, without worries, without anger, only smiles on our faces. I believe that this problem will be dealt with some day, it's just a matter of time. Have a good fortune.
p/s: I'm tired but I can't sleep, feel like crying but there's no tears.
First Day of My Finals
Today is the first day of my final exams, was having a hard time this morning. When answering the last question, my writing was totally shitty and I only had 15 mins for the last question, wasted too much time on the first question. Swt. But seems my friends also met the same problems as me, haha. Well, we had a plan for tonight's dinner, we planned to go to BBQ Chicken restaurant at Metro Point to celebrate Clara's upcoming birthday. Her actual birthday is on 29 October and we have 2 papers on the next day, so we had to celebrate it earlier.
Although it's only a dinner but again, we really had lots of fun together. =) We took photos as usual, chit-chatted and ate till we burst!! I'm glad that I have more collections of our photos and many of them are nice! Hehe. After dinner, we had a walk at the small shopping mall. It's so weird when we tend to buy things at this small place compared to the huge mall, ie: mid valley. Haha. We were happy to buy small small stuffs. Maybe it was the influence by TSP (you know you style right xP) which my sis complained that I'm becoming more like an aunty. Swt! It's fun you know? Haha.. The satisfaction that we gain from small stuffs when accumulated, it became the source of our happiness. =) When going out with these girls, surely we'l find something new and interesting which made us excited, oftenly we acted over-excited. Haha. When we saw a booth wrote "Stock Clearance", Tsp was the first who wanted to have a look. Just when we felt bored because there's nothing to see, we saw some cowboy hats and masquerades and guess what? We tried them on and took pictures of them! Luckily nobody's there who came to claim money from us or have warned us not to do that. I think we're silly, but yet, we're breaking the rules and that's FUN! xD
It's really a joyful night. I can't believe that I'm in the middle of my finals now and the worse is, it's just the first day. Argh, I'm so not serious in this semester and I think I should feel regretful what I'm doing. But you know me, I never will. Haha. So stop talking reasons, I am now starting to study. LOL!!!! Anyway, good luck in finals. Can't wait to have more fun after exams, plans coming up!!! xD
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cure me, please.
I'm suffering in diarrhea these few days. The timing is so punctual, it sure comes soon after my lunch. Not that I don't have medicine, I took the traditional medicine "Feng Sha Wan" for two times but still no cure. What if it comes when I'm in the exam hall, sure die. But I think I am not that lucky yet, he came to my college today and passed this to me:

It looks like sweets and taste no bitter and the colour of the tablets is yellow, so cute! What am I talking about? It's just a medicine for curing diarrhea man....and it was delivered by him, to me. LOL! Oh gosh, I think I'm going crazy. Butterflies keep flying and I can't focus on my notes. >< I keep seeing him this whole week and still, I wish to see him everyday. We chatted via sms or online almost everyday and sometimes until I fall asleep. He calls me "orangutan" (xing xing) and I call him "ape-man" (yuan ren). That's my private nickname, haha! Just kidding, I know you're starting to have goosebumps right now. There's a story behind anyway and it's not a secret (about the names). Even if it's just a normal chit chat or having an ordinary meal, like I'm having it with my girls most the time...but I'm expecting it to happen so often. And when my phone rings, I hope it's from him. We were such close friends and yet, only best friends we can be.
I hope my diarrhea can cure by tomorrow. My first day finals is on Tuesday and I only left 30 hours to do my final preparation. Someone, please slap and wake me up please! Perhaps it's not diarrhea that I should cure but something else, and there's no cure for that. =(
It looks like sweets and taste no bitter and the colour of the tablets is yellow, so cute! What am I talking about? It's just a medicine for curing diarrhea man....and it was delivered by him, to me. LOL! Oh gosh, I think I'm going crazy. Butterflies keep flying and I can't focus on my notes. >< I keep seeing him this whole week and still, I wish to see him everyday. We chatted via sms or online almost everyday and sometimes until I fall asleep. He calls me "orangutan" (xing xing) and I call him "ape-man" (yuan ren). That's my private nickname, haha! Just kidding, I know you're starting to have goosebumps right now. There's a story behind anyway and it's not a secret (about the names). Even if it's just a normal chit chat or having an ordinary meal, like I'm having it with my girls most the time...but I'm expecting it to happen so often. And when my phone rings, I hope it's from him. We were such close friends and yet, only best friends we can be.
I hope my diarrhea can cure by tomorrow. My first day finals is on Tuesday and I only left 30 hours to do my final preparation. Someone, please slap and wake me up please! Perhaps it's not diarrhea that I should cure but something else, and there's no cure for that. =(
Saturday, October 24, 2009
朋友都说 我为何一直爱上错的人
我也很纳闷 爱情不是没有谁对谁错吗
掉了玻璃鞋 白马王子也迷路了
我的爱情 一直在等待
不需要答应我什么 因为承诺是虚伪的
不要尝试改变我什么 因为我就是我
爱要信任 要能接受不完美的两个人
这就是爱 就这么简单
看着他牵着她的手 心里感觉酸酸的
就算不能拥有 作朋友能否一辈子
我不奢望什么 也不自私
只要在一起 开心 就是幸福
一切是否值得 是否还能回头
我问我自己 还在等待着你
爱情若是灭了 重新点燃就好
希望就在我手上 一直都在
曾经伤透了心 为何我还不死心
是因为我的个性 这就是我
爱情若是灭了 重新点燃就好
希望就在我手上 一直都在
我也很纳闷 爱情不是没有谁对谁错吗
掉了玻璃鞋 白马王子也迷路了
我的爱情 一直在等待
不需要答应我什么 因为承诺是虚伪的
不要尝试改变我什么 因为我就是我
爱要信任 要能接受不完美的两个人
这就是爱 就这么简单
看着他牵着她的手 心里感觉酸酸的
就算不能拥有 作朋友能否一辈子
我不奢望什么 也不自私
只要在一起 开心 就是幸福
一切是否值得 是否还能回头
我问我自己 还在等待着你
爱情若是灭了 重新点燃就好
希望就在我手上 一直都在
曾经伤透了心 为何我还不死心
是因为我的个性 这就是我
爱情若是灭了 重新点燃就好
希望就在我手上 一直都在
Copyright © 2009 by Egg!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
This song is too perfect. Dedicate it to myself and to those who love this song...
你說的話 在我心中生了根
愛得很深 所以心很疼
記憶 在我的心中翻滾
是不是每一個人 都像我一樣笨
只怕再問 對彼此都太殘忍
我能感覺 另外一個人
我等 等笑容換成眷
愛在崩潰的時候 比較真
太多疑問 知道答案又如何
原來容忍不需要天份 只要愛錯一個人
心痛比快樂更真實 愛為何這樣的諷刺
我忘了這是第幾次 一見你就無法堅持
孤獨比擁抱更真實 愛讓人失去了理智
会不会是我太自私 拒絕更寂寞的日子
放不開 也看不見未來
難道這種不完美 才是愛情真實的樣子
It's a Meatballs Night. =)
It was a typical Tuesday night. After studying at room for the whole day, finally it was dinner time and I was so looking forward to it because I'm going out for dinner with some friends! It's the only time that I could escape from my room, from UKM. LOL..
We had a dinner at Kajang. The singer at Da Zhong sucks! We had to force myself to eat in that noisy atmosphere.. swt. I ate Bak Kut Teh, fried dumplings and Taiwan's sausage which I was so full after eating all of them!
I swear it was purely a dinner plan. On second thoughts, my dearest friend, Carol asked whether should we go for a movie. Wait a minute, isn't because of her saying not wanting to watch movie so we cancelled our first plan to go movie after dinner. Well, it was really a very good question though! Because of this, we went all the way long to Mid Valley and watched Cloudy with the chance of Meatballs!! It was so spontaneous. It was raining and my first time driving to Mid Valley, driving so far from UKM.. haha. We were late for about 5 minutes for the movie. But from the moment we sat on the cushions in the Hall 10, we never stop laughing and the whole cinema was filled with out laughters! LOL!!! We laughed it out so loudly because the movie was super duper funny! The movie made our nights perfect. =)
After the show, the guys wanted to play pool so we stayed for another hour in Mid Valley while the girls played photo hunt at the screen. We also played table fussball before leaving. We always got so excited when playing it and it gave me great memories each time I play it. The first time I played it with a bunch of friends was on my birthday, the second time was just a week ago when we went to watch Surrogates (it sucks) at Alamanda with the same group of people whom I went out with on this day.. Rui, Li Zhe, me, TSP and Carol. We really had lots of fun that night.
When we came back to our room, it was almost 2am. I lied on my bed, shut my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn't because I still feeling so excited and happy. I really had a great great night with those guys which made me suffering insomnia at that moment. I chatted with him until I fell asleep in the end. Maybe there's some special feeling besides happiness and excitement which I wouldn't want to face it. But someday...when the time comes, and I shall rise again. =)
We had a dinner at Kajang. The singer at Da Zhong sucks! We had to force myself to eat in that noisy atmosphere.. swt. I ate Bak Kut Teh, fried dumplings and Taiwan's sausage which I was so full after eating all of them!
I swear it was purely a dinner plan. On second thoughts, my dearest friend, Carol asked whether should we go for a movie. Wait a minute, isn't because of her saying not wanting to watch movie so we cancelled our first plan to go movie after dinner. Well, it was really a very good question though! Because of this, we went all the way long to Mid Valley and watched Cloudy with the chance of Meatballs!! It was so spontaneous. It was raining and my first time driving to Mid Valley, driving so far from UKM.. haha. We were late for about 5 minutes for the movie. But from the moment we sat on the cushions in the Hall 10, we never stop laughing and the whole cinema was filled with out laughters! LOL!!! We laughed it out so loudly because the movie was super duper funny! The movie made our nights perfect. =)
After the show, the guys wanted to play pool so we stayed for another hour in Mid Valley while the girls played photo hunt at the screen. We also played table fussball before leaving. We always got so excited when playing it and it gave me great memories each time I play it. The first time I played it with a bunch of friends was on my birthday, the second time was just a week ago when we went to watch Surrogates (it sucks) at Alamanda with the same group of people whom I went out with on this day.. Rui, Li Zhe, me, TSP and Carol. We really had lots of fun that night.
When we came back to our room, it was almost 2am. I lied on my bed, shut my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn't because I still feeling so excited and happy. I really had a great great night with those guys which made me suffering insomnia at that moment. I chatted with him until I fell asleep in the end. Maybe there's some special feeling besides happiness and excitement which I wouldn't want to face it. But someday...when the time comes, and I shall rise again. =)
"Why do I always met the wrong person? When I feel depressed and despair, this song inspires me. I hope and I believe I can find the right one someday..."
你問在我心中 是否還苦惱
那次受傷 否決了愛的好
謝謝你的關照 我一切都好
一個人 不算困擾
那次流過的淚 讓我學習到
如何祝福 如何轉身不要
在眼淚體會到 與自己擁抱
愛不是一種需要 是一種對照
愛雖然很美妙 卻不能為了寂寞
愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找
寧可空白了手 等候一次
我相信在(這個)世界上 一定會遇到
放手去愛 海闊天高
那次受傷 否決了愛的好
謝謝你的關照 我一切都好
一個人 不算困擾
那次流過的淚 讓我學習到
如何祝福 如何轉身不要
在眼淚體會到 與自己擁抱
愛不是一種需要 是一種對照
愛雖然很美妙 卻不能為了寂寞
愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找
寧可空白了手 等候一次
我相信在(這個)世界上 一定會遇到
放手去愛 海闊天高
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Trip to Medan, Indonesia
I'm back from my trip having my study leave in UKM, it's only the beginning... lol.
Well, the trip cannot said to be perfect, but I'm satisfied. I got to see what I should see and enjoyed the moment. =) Me, my sis and my bro reached Medan airport at 1900 hour according to Indonesia's time, we have an hour gap with them. Mr Tan, our tour guide waited for us and brought us to the hotel nearby to wash up while waiting for the rest members to reach who departed from Penang. When everyone was there, we had dinner together at a restaurant and headed back to the hotel room. Our trip only begins on the next day since it was late already.
So excited while got into the room, whoo~.
It's a 5 stars hotel, but I think it just fulfilled 4 stars.. The hair dryer sucks!
Forget about my socks, haha.
On the second day, we departed at 0830 hour to Lake Toba, it took us 5 hours to reach the destination. Along the journey, we visited a temple and the International Wildlife Museum and Gallery and the Palace. We need to pay Rp20,000 for the access of the camera in the museum but I did not grant the permit. I regretted so much as there was a lot to see in the museum, they all are real specimens, including bears, seashells, lions, leopards, small small insects like mosquitoes in complete form! There were many wild animals even moose and rein deer!! I never seen a real one in my whole life, it's my first time seeing them and they were dead! How pathetic.. I really recommend this museum, if you go to Medan remember to pay it a visit, you should see them with you own eyes. It was quite amazing! We also visited the palace of the place.
By the time we reached Lake Toba, it was already 0500 hour, it was almost sunset but we didn't manage to watch it. We headed straight to Hotel Niagara which located on a hill. There was a pool behind the hotel but nobody went swimming there because it was quite cool up there, we wouldn't want to catch a cold. For dinner, one of our dish was a fish from the lake. It taste nice, hehe.. At night, the three of us went to try out their KTV at the opposite building. It was a open space where the customers take turn to sing and everyone can hear it. We were directed to a box and we just realized that the songs were all outdated, they were old old songs. The system wasn't very good as technical errors always happened and the ancient way of choosing songs was not that effective! But no complaint, because it's very cheap, it only cost Rp30,000 per person and we can sing until the door close! haha.. Well, just to experience the KTV in other country, I still think Redbox is the best! ^^
On the third day, after checking out from the hotel, we traveled to the lake and visited 2 villages, namely Ambarita and Tomok. We traveled to the villages by ferryboat which provided by them for tourists like us. We took tons of pictures while we were on the way as the view around the lake was super amazing! We were like so close to the clouds. There, we can see the sky, the lake water, the clouds, the mountain...everything beautiful on earth! It was totally a paradise. =)
Talking about the villages, in Ambarita, they had their ancient history where the people in the village ate human flesh to increase their cursing power. They used black magic and cursing spell on people, the one that we heard of was used at there too, the love poison. I found it awkward when we were told that the women there usually look after the stores and feed the family, including their husbands. Thus, they have bad tempered and we were advice not to go near their store if we didn't want to buy things from them. Swt. This was scary.. In Tomok, the coffin s were made of volcano's stone. Some with the faces of the king craved on the big stone. The greatest fighter in the village became their king and they ate human flesh too until when a father from Holland came to spread Christian to them, since then, they learned the right way of life.

Horas, welcome to village Tomok!
(Horas = Bonjour)
Wearing the scarf as a symbol of respect.
Believe me, it was a coffin and the dead body is still inside it!!
Goodbye, Lake Toba.
After visiting the villages, we departed to Berastagi which was also a 5hours journey! It was raining when we reached Berastagi and the weather was damn cold! We visited the market and saw some chariots on the road, horse-ride was available too. Basically we were traveling for hours everyday and just stayed at the tour location for a short while. In conclusion, most of the time we were just sleeping in the bus instead of seeing nice view which I found that was the imperfection of the trip.
A closer look of the waterfall.
Oh no, I wasn't shaking.
The market at Berastagi.
Damn the rain, it was freezing up there!
I love this room! It's very comfy!!
Our third hotel room.
On the last day of the trip, we went to the top of a hill to have a closer look at the volcanoes, Mount Sinabung and Mount Sibayak. They were beautiful but I felt like danger was surrounding me because Mount Sinabung is alive! LOL..
I stalked it just to take a clearer picture of it!!!
Horse-riding.. ^^
Dear Cinderella, I miss it already!
We headed back to Medan and had a great buffet lunch before we dropped by Sun Plaza for some shopping activity. In these four days, we almost had buffet for every meal but today's lunch was the best! I ate whatever I could, I ate it ALL! xD The shopping mall was nicely built and looking great but I felt bored somehow, maybe it wasn't suitable to go shopping as everything inside were almost available in Malaysia. Haha. And the airport in Medan, although it made convenience to the citizens, but it doesn't look like an airport after all. From the outside, it looks like a shopping centre, and the waiting room is more like a bus station. Sorry for being sarcastism but I wasn't the only one who thought of this. Hehe.
Our flight delayed about 25 minutes as expected as we were boarding on Air Asia. swt. I'm so glad that my friend willing to pick me from LCCT to UKM. He was the first friend whom I met after I came back from Medan and I appreciate that. We had a late dinner together at Look-up Point before the night ended. Such a coincidence, we got to watch some fireworks from different places while eating, those were for the celebration of Deepavali I guess. Though lousy but it was a good memory to me. :)
That was the end of my journey to Medan. The lake is really very a nice place to visit, a paradise which I found my peace of mind there. =)
Well, the trip cannot said to be perfect, but I'm satisfied. I got to see what I should see and enjoyed the moment. =) Me, my sis and my bro reached Medan airport at 1900 hour according to Indonesia's time, we have an hour gap with them. Mr Tan, our tour guide waited for us and brought us to the hotel nearby to wash up while waiting for the rest members to reach who departed from Penang. When everyone was there, we had dinner together at a restaurant and headed back to the hotel room. Our trip only begins on the next day since it was late already.
It's a 5 stars hotel, but I think it just fulfilled 4 stars.. The hair dryer sucks!
Forget about my socks, haha.
By the time we reached Lake Toba, it was already 0500 hour, it was almost sunset but we didn't manage to watch it. We headed straight to Hotel Niagara which located on a hill. There was a pool behind the hotel but nobody went swimming there because it was quite cool up there, we wouldn't want to catch a cold. For dinner, one of our dish was a fish from the lake. It taste nice, hehe.. At night, the three of us went to try out their KTV at the opposite building. It was a open space where the customers take turn to sing and everyone can hear it. We were directed to a box and we just realized that the songs were all outdated, they were old old songs. The system wasn't very good as technical errors always happened and the ancient way of choosing songs was not that effective! But no complaint, because it's very cheap, it only cost Rp30,000 per person and we can sing until the door close! haha.. Well, just to experience the KTV in other country, I still think Redbox is the best! ^^
On the third day, after checking out from the hotel, we traveled to the lake and visited 2 villages, namely Ambarita and Tomok. We traveled to the villages by ferryboat which provided by them for tourists like us. We took tons of pictures while we were on the way as the view around the lake was super amazing! We were like so close to the clouds. There, we can see the sky, the lake water, the clouds, the mountain...everything beautiful on earth! It was totally a paradise. =)
Talking about the villages, in Ambarita, they had their ancient history where the people in the village ate human flesh to increase their cursing power. They used black magic and cursing spell on people, the one that we heard of was used at there too, the love poison. I found it awkward when we were told that the women there usually look after the stores and feed the family, including their husbands. Thus, they have bad tempered and we were advice not to go near their store if we didn't want to buy things from them. Swt. This was scary.. In Tomok, the coffin s were made of volcano's stone. Some with the faces of the king craved on the big stone. The greatest fighter in the village became their king and they ate human flesh too until when a father from Holland came to spread Christian to them, since then, they learned the right way of life.
Tutorial of how they kill a prisoner 400 years ago.Firstly, they closed the prisoner's eyes with a cloth and ripped off all his (could be a female too) clothes to check the body whether it has any disease.
If he passes the first stage, they'll drag him to the big stone here and slash his body with a knife.
Lastly, they chopped off the head, eat all the meat and drink all the blood.
It's finger lickin' good!
It's finger lickin' good!
Horas, welcome to village Tomok!
(Horas = Bonjour)
Damn the rain, it was freezing up there!
Our third hotel room.
Our flight delayed about 25 minutes as expected as we were boarding on Air Asia. swt. I'm so glad that my friend willing to pick me from LCCT to UKM. He was the first friend whom I met after I came back from Medan and I appreciate that. We had a late dinner together at Look-up Point before the night ended. Such a coincidence, we got to watch some fireworks from different places while eating, those were for the celebration of Deepavali I guess. Though lousy but it was a good memory to me. :)
That was the end of my journey to Medan. The lake is really very a nice place to visit, a paradise which I found my peace of mind there. =)
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