Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Xuanie's World Revives!

Today was a disastrous one. Something in my mind kept bothering me and I couldn’t focus on my work! Luckily I didn’t mess up anything because there wasn’t much work to do and I got back from work on time. :)
I had this impulsive to blog this afternoon when I couldn’t concentrate the work in my hand. I had the strong urge to write something down, just to make myself feel better. But I couldn’t do it in the office and one of my old post in this blog suddenly popped-out in my mind.
So I was trying to search for it until I knowingly clicked on some links of my old posts which I don’t remember what I wrote in it but the titles caught my eyes.
Surprisingly, I don’t really feel embarrassing or think that it’s childish while reading on the old posts. Instead, I found that they are quite useful.
Some of my old posts really did serve as guidelines and reminders to me. I mean, sometimes we met the same problems for more than a time. And for each time, you might still don’t know or have forgotten how to deal with it. So when I read the old posts, it was like an old version of me is talking to the current self. It’s just like I’m talking from the past to myself at the current state. It feels special.
Not only it guided me in someway but I’ve also found some answers to questions that I’ve raised in the past, questions that I didn’t know the answer when I wrote it.
Now I can tell that the equation of “Life=Enjoy” really works!
I enjoy what I’m doing right now. Although it is just my second week in the law firm, but I really like the job. It is a pleasure to be surrounded by knowledgeable and humble people who are willing to teach a fresh graduate like me. Most importantly, they treat each other nicely and respect each other. And I really like my master voice, listening to him speaking feels comfortable. (He better not see this, lol)
I once wondered and doubted that whether I am qualified to be a lawyer because I think that I’m not suitable. My four years studies in UKM are not all for nothing, I really learnt a lot in that few years which makes me who I am today.
I used to underestimate myself and lack of confidence. But today, I already slowly gained confidence and believe that perseverance will prevail. As long as I work hard and be humble when learning all the time, I can have good performance.
Perhaps I’ve changed and developed by the surroundings and things that I’ve been through, from an ignorant young lady to who I am now. But I can assure that most of my characteristics still remain, just the mindset is different, otherwise I wouldn’t be agreeing to the posts that I’ve written years ago.
My mom used to tell me not to publish anything personal online because worrying of people might misuse it. I do not regret since my first post because today I came to realise and enjoy the benefit of it. Anyways, advices from parents are basically useless when I’m not using it or realising that they were right only when I hit the wall. We just have to learn how to carry ourselves when we fall, this is when I remember the lessons. LOL.
Nevertheless, advices are still important. It is just like taking medication when you are ill, it makes your heart or mind feel better.
I’ve figured out that I really love and miss my this blog so much. That is why I still leave it, although it had been deserted. I felt sorry for it. And I still can remember the link, it is so easy to memorise, unlike the new one..haha.
I’ve decided not to close down this blog but continue writing until when an infinity period. Closing down this website is like shutting off part of me. This blog reminds me of who I used to be and tells me what I want to become. There’s no way I’m going to let it go.
So I now announce: I AM BACK! (applause please :D) It’s my pleasure to continue serving my blog. I’m lovin’ it again. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
