Sunday, April 26, 2009


This is the hardest subject in my finals ever!
It's not that the subject is very hard, but reading it is killing me words by words..
I'm so slow in the reading progress, it took me hours for a few pages, swt!
Maybe I really don't have any interest in this subject, that's why it is so hard for me to read it.
Ya, damn..I really hate it.
I don't know why am I reading it as I know the Statutes are provided during exam.
I'm like reading all the provisions in those Acts now, swallowing the words and clog up in my memory...god, it's so torturing!
Meaningless to read this piece of shit and I can't even remember the last sentence that I've just read!
Reading cases is better than this A LOT.
Hopefully more Acts will be provide, or else my paper is going to be BLANK!! 
MLS screwed me up before I screw up MLS....
Thanks to Puan Rooshida for guiding us in our first year and sorry to say that I don't like you and either the subject you're teaching at all..

p/s: Sorry if this post is a bit mean but I just can't help it  ><


Ju 凯如 said...

haha..agree agree..dun like her and also the mls pun..haa

X u A n i E said...
