These friends are those who i first met when entering UKM, from strangers but because of the luck which brought us together, we have bcom best friends of each other now...
i spend most of my uni time wif them cause most of them are my coursemates, wahaha....(i know it's a lame reason but it's true =) ) and such a coincidence that we stay in the same college..and our blocks are just opposite one another..
since the first semester of my uni life, we go to class together, have our meals together, join college activities together, gossips together, do silly things, scream and overexcited at times, share our dirty/shamful secrets together....etc.
there are so many memorable moments we've shared together although it was just almost a year which consist of 365days..
The foremost reason i'm writing this is because recently there are few incidents happened and made them hurt..
i feel sad when hearing it from them even though it's not happening on me, but i would never want it to happen to my friends especially those who are close to me..
it's more to sentiments problem actually, damn those bastards who made them hurt and tears dropped on faces at nights..!!
what i want to say here is, no matter what happen, there's still a friend here who is willing to listen to your problem, willing to share your ups and downs, who you can rely on..
anyone who hurts you girls, don't worry, I'll tear them into pieces and feed the monkey in UKM!! bwahahhaa....
it's because of you all are there when i need you, it's because i really appreciate all the moments we've spent together and hope there are more.. it's because of Sze Pei somtimes is so annoying like our mom, it's because of Carol looks like a kiddo and always overacted though she's the eldest among us, it's because of Shereen is 173cm, it's because of Clara always obey to her bf no matter what which is impossible for me who rebels, to make it!.....etc. for so many reasons, i'm here to say that i'll be there if you need me..(though sometimes i might not be the one, wahahaha!!)
and i shall continue my journey of life with you girls with no regrets!..
p/s: just call out my name, i'll be there =)
hand in hand, we'll always be together..

the irreplacble 5 of us =)

I'm truly touch by what you say and hey girl down moments happen to us when we least expect it and i hope that when the time comes, we make the right decision and grow out of it. I'm in one big shit now, hopefully it'll pass on. THnxxxx babe, for being the ultimate sensible frenz!
u girls ar, always have shitty time together..cant help u to solve it but i know de least i can do is to support...i really hope u girls can pass on especailly at a time like case of anyting happen, my shoulder is ready..wahahaha.... =)
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