Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bye Bye Braces

I already took off my braces like 2 months ago but I only have time to post it now. haha. There are still A LOT of pendings......Well, not that I don't have time at all but I just don't feel like sitting and looking at my laptop when I'm free to run as I've spent most of my time sitting in the lecture hall and library for classes, discussions and assignments. Holiday was like in dreamland; classes were like going to work on Sunday - it feels terrible! It is indeed, a tragic, like rush hour; There's no time to rest although we're resting, physically. In our mind, assignments keep appearing. We can't throw it away because they are ASSignments! We are being observed through the assignments and presentations, these are our assessment. Third year is really a crucial year for all of us. We have to do a lot of readings and arrange our time very nicely. The subjects that we are having this year, are more machos, that's how I can describe them. They are not the "play play" types one. One word - SERIOUS. They are not fun at all......That's the worse part!

What am I crapping? I am suppose to upload my ugly ugly photo.. Here it is! The reason for the past 2 years why I stopped saying 'cheese' in front of the camera.....

Looking stupid and odd.... Btw, that's my new specs. haha!

This is how I look after taking off my braces, still the same old fat me...=.=
I'm not used to my teeth, really. They looked new, lol!
I'm getting used to it now, it has been 2 months right, hehe....

My eye bags are getting bigger and bigger now. Haiz. Why my make-up skill sucks? I failed to cover them. But I still think I look better with eye bags. At least I know I'm born for something now - born to have eye bags. LOL!!

Kiss goodbye to my braces. Now I only have to wear retainer, full time for 3 months and part time for 1 year. I'm not following though, my foretooth is out of shape a little again.. I deserved it because I didn't follow the doctor's advice. T__T

Time to sleep now. Goodnight! :)


g_pentium said...

heloo new unbraced xuany!!!

machos---are u referring to ur bf?;]
well asgnmnts are time drainers.

refering to ur pic.
is tat a star or starfish? out of shape in a cute way....

ooo..u oso wear spec huh?tsp,carol n xuan--4 eyes chicks

bout those eyebags..
check out tiz link-

hope tat helps...cheers..

well u have done ur brace time..and the results are 'a million dollar smile'...nice....

X u A n i E said...

Haha... Thanks ganesh!
Im not really into machos guys actually, i prefer cute ones. haha!!

I think dat's a starfish-like star. hehe.. it's a not a starfish. quite cute, i like it! :P

All of us are wearing specs la, cuz we cant avoid studying.....=.= (lame theory i know)

de first day dat I'd removed my braces, I cant feel my teeth, juz lips but now I can feel them ad. feels great! and im not worrying about taking pics now, juz SAY CHEESE =)