Lust is mainly sexual in nature – the attraction is superficial based on instant chemistry rather than genuine caring. One of the most confusing quasi-love is lust. It is a very powerful, very intense feeling of physical attraction toward another person. Usually we lust after people they don’t know well, people they feel comfortable fantasizing about. It is very common for people to confuse lust or love. But what is it about lust and love that make them so easy to mix up? If lust is all about sex, how can a relationship without sex be about lust?
Unlike lust, love is about much more than physical attraction. Lust is clearly not love. Love is based on more than just physical attraction. Sure, attraction is a factor, but love goes deeper than that. Love is based on caring, friendship, commitment and trust. When you are in love as if you have your best most trusted friend at your side AND you feel physically attracted to them. It is the best of both worlds! Love is a shared feeling between two people who have a vested interest in one another happiness. Love is NOT about jealousy. It is NOT about conflict or testing. Love is a positive feeling. If it is tainted by mistrust, jealousy, insecurity or spitefulness, it is not really love but a pale copy.
Love is the total surrender of your heart to another person with the security of knowing they will treat it better than you will. Love should feel good. It makes you want to be a better person, not leads you to do something self destructive. It is not demanding of your spirit but lifts it and make it glow. Love is a good thing. (Wah, can’t believe that I just typed it!) Anything less is lust, deep friendship or attraction. So, what's in your mind? Is it ADIDAS or If' I Ain't Got You?
There is no easy way to find the truth behind your feelings. But there are some things you should know when in love or when you’re in a relationship:
The affection makes you feel special and good about yourself.
If/when you feel jealous it is always fleeting; you trust your partner not to betray or hurt your relationship.
Nothing makes you feel as serene as when you are with him/her.
Nothing is more important than you both being able to express your true feelings (even sometimes they cause conflict).
Your partner never asks you to choose between him/her and your loyalties to your family and friends. If you do choose him/her over them you always have a good reason and it is always YOUR decision, and your decision alone.
Neither you or your partner feel the need to test each other’s loyalties or feelings.
You are more yourself when with your partner than you are with anybody else.
If sex is part of your relationship it is by mutual desire and agreement without the slightest hint of commitment testing or persuasion.
If you really love someone, have faith in it. Faith and trust are require to remain the strong chain of your relationship. It would be easily broken without them. To me, there is no rush to find out who is my true love. I believe that when it comes to the right time, he’ll show up. There is definitely someone out there for me. But in case he doesn’t show up, guess I’ll have to marry my best friend (according to a quiz I took on facebook xD). LOL!!
Oh, to those who've lost in love and think that the world is unfair (or anything makes you feel so), appreciate this fact. If everyone were to be equal, you’d lose the motivation to live. It’ll be plain boring. Live and learn!! The world is only unfair to those who does nothing to improve! (I was told by someone on this) =)
totally love this post. struck deep into my heart suddenly. Feel so emo after reading, it just hit at the right spot. :)
Thanks =)
Hope it gives u inspiration on sth..
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