Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tricked by Rain!!!

Yeah~! Finally finished my last paper for this second year first sem finals.. No special feelings this time, maybe because I screwed the last paper, 20 marks gone?!! Damn Islamic Family Law!!! Luckily we just have to take this paper for one sem... =.="

I actually had no plan after the exam, worst come to worst I will stay in my room and watch some drama perhaps. But at last we came up with a plan, I hanged out with a few of my "mighty" coursemates at One Utama to catch a movie! We wanted to watched Law Biding Citizens initially, but it was too late, the show is on 11pm. We had to choose another one. My friend saw the list of movies and noticed "Ninja". There was a description of it, he told us that it was acted by Rain, the first person who came to our mind automatically will be the famous Korean artist. So we all agreed to watch that since we had not much choices. Who knows, during half of the movie, I was still waiting Rain to appear in the movie, I was thinking what important character he is holding, until the half of the movie he hasn't come out. Swt! At last, we just realized that we were tricked!!! Rain wasn't one of the actor nor the main character in the movie.. After the movie, we went back to double checked the description to find out the truth. The name "Rain" written which was written on the paper was actually not referring the "Rain" in our mind but the white man who has acted as the main character in the movie. Plus, it was a Japanese movie combined with English, Rain is a Korean artist. LOL! The truth was out!! We were so foolish but luckily the movie wasn't that bad after all, though it had some violence elements.

Again, after the show, we were trapped inside the mall and can't find out way out to the carpark. It already happened to me like more than five times in this year after some late show with friends. Swt. We parked our car at the old wing but we watched at the GSC which is located at the new wing. We didn't know that they will shut down the elevator and separate the old and new wings (our first time watch movie there, haha). Luckily there was a guard who led us the way and opened up the path for us... The feel was like "finally we were free from the prison!" , we felt so relieved and finally drove back happily. Haha.. I'm so tired now, better get some sleep and recharge myself in a day. Because the day after tomorrow it's play-time!! YipiEee~ xD

*p/s: 15Nov- I just knew that there are two "Ninja" movies. The one I watched is Ninja and Rain stars in Ninja Assasin, coming up soon. So Silly. @@

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