Monday, July 26, 2010

Fucked Up!

It has been 19 days since I posted my last entry. There are a lot of things that I want to write or tell. I was lacked of time and I have a bad habit - I do things last minutes. Things were accumulated and when I came to do it, I feel like dying. Yeah, that's because I enjoyed too much.

I have been to Guilin in China for a week and I skipped whole week's class. I wanted to post about my trip but I can't wait to write this before I continue posting other entries on my blog. Yes, I can't wait because I'm impatient! I can't read or focus in class if I don't write it out now. I was already stress when I was on the way back to Malaysia when thinking of today. Because I know that there'll be many things to be done and many things to catch up. But I'm a quick learner, I learned to adapt myself in the shortest period of time. I'm prepared to complete all the tasks given after I reached my college at night. I've lost my mood to share the happiness during my trip. Luckily I have Carol and TSP helping me to sort things up. Really thanks a lot girls although you all went to Ipoh without me. :( Nah, just joking I won't put that in heart. Hehe..

The only thing I'm upset with is the schedule of this semester. I have 2 "extra" classes which started very late and have a big gap with the classes before them. The worst thing is that two classes are on Thursday and Friday respectively. Meaning that I have to go to my faculty purposely just to attend that two classes on that two days. I'm mentally freaked out now. I feel so stress and so moodless. Why things have to turn out like that? What for we have to fight so hard to register our tutorial classes when the lecturer can "kick out" those who were late to class and let those "extra" names to stay because they "make effort" to attend the class early. I'm fucked up now! I always say this system is very lame and it didn't disappoint me, it is very very very lame indeed!

Now I dream to change my Friday class now because I know it's impossible for Thursday's. Otherwise, I'll lose my mood for this whole sem. =.= God bless me!

1 comment:

g_pentium said...

chill babe..
Why do we have to live if we're just going to die someday?life is unfair in many ways,but giving up is not an sure u will be fine..