Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Panasonic Girls

After 4 days working, besides earning some pocket money, I have known some new friends too!


I was on duty together with these girl.

(from left) Jess, Yori, Xuanie and Eleen.


Eleen is 22, from SP. She is my cousin brother’s ex school mate! haha. She has once working at a law firm in Penang before she work with Panasonic. So I got many details of working at a firm from her.

I don’t know why me and Eleen click very well. We could talk a lot although we only met for the first day. Of course I talk with others too but I feel like we were similar in certain ways. That’s why I feel comfortable and safe when communicate with her. Her impression to me is she has a mature mind, always looking for solutions when meets with problem and she is very slim and thin! Why can’t the people around me can’t grow fat! =.=”

As I’ve said, the work was very relaxing that we have time to cam whore, texting, playing sudoku and also chatting! Haha.. It was such a coincidence that her boyfriend, Zen is the guy I’ve known a few years ago in msn. Haha.. Not that he was flirting around but he is from Alor Star too and is quite handsome! (I’m not lying, Eleen is together with him because she says he’s handsome! haha) Glad to meet him back and also good to know they both are together because I personally think they are a perfect match. Can’t tahan when seeing them so sweet together, made me missing of someone more. :( Oh and I think we both really have fate because her birthday is same with my sisters! Holy~ xD


This is Yori. (she’s gonna kill me if she sees this!!) She was playing Sudoku and posing like this when I was about to snap a picture of her! haha.. She’s only 19.

She is not the simple type because I think her life is quite complicated. Knowing these people, I only know that everyone’s life can be so different to such extent that I will never think my life would be like that and I would never want to experience that kind of life! Don’t look at her like very healthy, she had once fell from the roof when she was drunk and she broke her left hand’s bone and her right hand bones cracked! I still can see the scar of the operation on her left hand. Anyway, I happy for her that she had found someone she loves and who treasures her. Although it’s not a normal love and might not be normal for her too, but at least she is happy now.

I imagined that if one day my son/daughter has abnormal love like her, what should I do. What is wrong and what is right? To many adults, what they think is right is actually wrong because it only makes the condition goes worse. Adults are stubborn, I am too, stubborn. That’s why I don’t click well with my parents because I rebels them a lot. Only when I left my home to study, I grow mature and started to understand how hard they feed us. Every parents have hopes on their children, the higher they demand, the more heartbreaks they get when we disappoint them. But what if one day my children disappoint me? Will I scold them or ask them to leave the house like in the drama? I think no matter what have happen, we should give them support when they need it and always direct them to the right path since young. Courage is very important to someone who is growing instead of scolding, canning and rejecting. Of course, what is wrong must be stopped too before it get worse. So what is wrong and what is right? There is no certainty.


Jess. She’s from Chung Ling Butterworth, I guess some of you from KMK might know her. Hehe.. What could I say? The world is small. lol!

Jess is very tall, she’s 170. Somehow she reminds me of Shereen because they almost have the same height and skin colour. Haha. She is very good in make-up and hairdos. But during our working days she didn’t make up, just in Alor Star only ma. Haha. So kesian her because on the third day she fell down from stairs and couldn’t go to work because it was very painful. Her boyfriend, Sam (our supervisor) was so nervous about her as she had undergone surgery for 2 times. Luckily nothing bad happens to her. She came to work on the last day and we took some photos together. ^^


I like our uniforms, making us look clean and fresh. :)


Seriously I think Yori and Jess look great in photos. They have the potential to be models on magazines. Haha.




Eleen was looking away because there were customers entering. Haha!! XD


Acting ugly or acting cute? lol


Last words, I’m glad to know you girls. Take care in the next 6 months and happy earning! :D If I’m in Seremban this year end perhaps we can meet up! Contact you guys on facebook.


p/s: Hope that we can still be good friends, Eleen. :)

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