Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I need a way out.

Here I am, again, back in this room. The first thing I think of is to open my laptop and online because I feel like in this way I can be connected with something., not to be isolated. So the hard times continue after the Raya break.

Despite the pressure in my studies, I suffer in financial pressure too! It's really pathetic for the fact that I'm seriously broke after my Phuket trip but still I can't avoid spending for some 'unexpected' and 'unavoidable' events. This really depressed me. I really have to cut down a lot of my daily expenses. Don't ask me why I eat so little because I lost my appetite when I look at the food.

I'm trying to restrain myself from going too far in my relationship because I will lose my passion over something which previously I enjoyed doing them! It's really hard and I hesitate a lot when I'm going to make a decision recently. I'm a bit lost here. I don't know what are the things that 'should be done'. I'm confused about 'what I need' and 'what I want'. Although I am everywhere but I don't feel like I belong to anywhere! Is there an angel to rescue a lost soul over here?

To achieve success in life, it means that you have to act against your will wanting to live an easy and comfortable life. Because there is no easy way to achieve success, all you got to do is work hard and enjoy the hard works that you have done. And I doubt that it is what I really want. Nonetheless, having an easy life symbolizes that your life is over because you can't improve yourself without stress and a competitive environment.

So one question came to my mind: Am I aiming to become a successful lawyer? I have no definite answer for this question. I dreamed to be a lawyer because I want to earn a billion dollars and go to travel the world enjoying life! But I seemed lack of the characters to become a lawyer, this profession does not match with my nature characters. I feel like when the more I want to be a professional, the more I lost myself. Is it the life that I want? I hope the people who really understand me can give me some useful advice on this.


Wong CM said...

it is too late for u to think are u suitable to be a lawyer because u are going to finish your study soon;
also, it is too early for u to think the same thing, because never try never know.

take care ;p

X u A n i E said...

Yes, I think that's reasonable. Never try never know. I must believe in my future :)