Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Gift

I used to be so excited and happy when I received a gift. I love collecting gifts and also greeting cards. But when I turned 21 years old, gifts that I received, whether is during my birthday or other festivals  are becoming lesser and lesser. Anyway, I do appreciate gifts that I’d ever received.

Gifts are from people who know you and remember you, I thought. Gifts can be for decorations, for daily use or as luxury if any can afford it. Who will feel not happy when they received it?

I believed that some gifts have its own meaning, mostly are to be kept as memory, whether over some events or the people. For example, lovers like to make swan origami to wish their partner to be happy forever or as a symbolize of their love. But it can also be a gift when the lovers are apart. Then, it is something that will recall the sweet times together but at the same time, the receiver will feel heart broken. In this case, it is a sad one.

There was a stranger who gave hand-made gifts to her lover. While they broke up, she wrote a letter to him. In the letter, she didn’t express hatred. Instead, she knows that there is no reverse of time, there is no forgive or to be forgiven and she would forget all those memories or at least when the time fades, she’ll move on. I thought she was such a mature person who can deal with her love problem properly. I would not say the way she did was the best way but it was the proper way for both. Things done can’t be changed. There is no reason to embrace something which has already gone.

Again, I wondered, why was there someone willing to give up a person such understanding as her. I felt pity and at the same time guilty to the girl. But when it came to the purpose of writing the letter, I doubted if I was right.

When you know things would end that way at the first place, it is already meaningless to let everything started. At the end of the day, all you have left are only the memories. Why give away something while you know you can’t have it back? Why give the present to let the receiver to remember what you both had been through when you want to forget everything and move on?

The answer is only one, because of love. Love is free, it need not any reason for all the things that are done. But love, at the same time is selfish. Although she wanted to forget those memories but she was actually making something for her to be remembered and the relationship to be kept as memory.

Perhaps a gift is only a matter of entitling, it is a wish to own something. It is some sort of property but also a tool to be used to remember certain persons or events. If you have ever received this kind of gifts, perhaps you should keep it safe. One day when you lost everything, you’ll remember that once you had someone who loved you so much and had sacrificed so much for you. You’ll feel appreciate, and, that will be a reason for you to be happy, although you have lost it.

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