Monday, December 6, 2010

Moving To My New Blog

Hi guys, I have a news here.

I'm moving my blog from blogspot to sina. Please visit me at My blog's name is 杺妧的博客.

The old blogspot will remain here, don't worry..And I will still track on the bloggers. Hehe..

I will do my best for the new blog, it will be better than the old one. I hope you guys will continue to support me. Thanks! :)

p/s: My posts about the recent China trip will be in Chinese because I want to make it perfect. There are words that English cannot best express them nor translate. I'm sorry if some of you can't understand the language but I'm sure the pictures will satisfy you. Cheers. :D


Anonymous said...

hey nice layout xD

X u A n i E said...

hehe...i love it too =)