i woke up at 12pm 2day...n had lunch on 3pm..
i was totally exhausted at de previous day.. i visited UM early in de morning to support our seniors in Jessup Moot compeition, back to UKM at around 7pm n had no time to rest cuz i gotta catch up de bus to attend dance practise at 8pm..
slpt at 2.30am last nite...
in consequence, i failed to attend Khidmat Masyarakat class at 8am, bet u know de reason y..haha..
n felt sry to my frens cuz din let them know dat im not attending...sob..
half an hour later i got up from bed, i went to PTSL to do some researches on de assignmens..dont tink i contribute much on it cuz most information has been provided..
later on, i climbed hundreds of staircases to Ibu Zain to find Dr. Loo (he'll surely feel proud for me to name him like dis but too bad he wont see dis, haha!)..
paid Rm3 for de service, swt..
but it's great to know dat my blood pressure, BMI, quantity of glucose r so far in normal range..hehe.
when i back to my college, i had to practise dance for 28feb performance..
luckily it's juz an easy 1..done in an hour..haha!
when back to room, i had to do de laundry...a pile of dirty clothes dat nid to wash...
n guess wad.. it's raining cats n dogs now..
de thunders r deafening! ><
somehow..de tense situation slowly fading away when MLTR - Nothing To Loose flow into my ears....
de music is so sweet when it's playing through my Edifier speaker..n de song is meaningful n soft, it makes me feel peace n relaxing..
im calm now..
actually de whole ting i wrote on de above wasnt a problem..
wad made me upset is dat i was scolded by someone complaining bout my bitchy attitude towards him..
uhm...maybe it's true cuz im acting so cold like ice to him..i juz cant help it..
cant pretend nthg happens..hope to keep some distance away from him, mayb dat's y..
but sometimes stil wishing for his care...
sort of like "i want you but i dont need you"...sounds like im ridiculous huh.. perhaps im a "dangerous" one...swt..
anyway..but it doesnt matter now,cuz our final frenship has been screwed up by a few text msgs...
mayb dat's a better ending after all..
"im fine without you.." it keeps appearing in my mind..
so wad's de point if de frenship is a trouble to us?
frenship can be as strong as steel, but at times, it is as fragile as glass..when there is hatred..
it can b destroyed by a few words, attitudes or promises..in a min, an hour or a day..
he used to advice me not to hav hard feelings to ppl, im tryin my best to do it now..
it's my fault...mayb i took him for granted..
"im only human, sometims i make mistakes"....dis is not a strong defence statement...
[if u forgive me for leaving u like dis, i shall forgive u on those harsh words u said to me too n ending up dis frenship...]
it's hurt when he say so..
but i gotta move on, de time wont stop for me..
i stil haven found my 'somebody', haven get to travel around de world, not yet graduate wif my law degree, not yet fulfil de responsible to my family..n there's a lot of dances dat i nid to learn!... not gonna giv up life juz like dis..
dis remind me of tsp trademark--"don wanna die as a virgin" haha!..
guess all i nid to do now is "juz hav a little faith" in life..
"do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
1 comment:
let bygones be bygones... no hard feelings remember?? its not that i`m pissed or sumtink... its juz dat u dun need me... u wont even realise i`m gone... n i dowan 2 stick around when u dun wan me 2 b around.. wats de use being a nuisance 2 someone u care 4... this is the best 4 us both... Good luck in your life...strive hard..make me proud 4 being a tiny little part of your life...
~over n out~
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