So so tired today...spent de whole day shopping at Sungei Wang, Low Yat n Time Square wif 2 of my frens...
i could fall asleep at any time now, haha...
we depart at 11.30am++ from UKM station after my ko-k class...
de main purpose of going out 2day is to watch de hip-hop contest at de 6th floor of Sg. Wang actually....not celebrating any event....Zzz
as soon as we reach Time Square, we had our lunch at Nippon Tei to fill de hunger, haha....

we're surrounded by many couples, feel so odd but we still craps a lot..haha..
de competition started at 3.30pm but supposed it should b started at 3pm, it ended in 30mins time, swt...only 2 or 3 dance r quite rest r K.O...lolx!
i spent quite a lot at Low Yat 2day.. dis is de 1st time i went shopping there...
totally out of my plan, din intend to buy anyting at 1st.. my wallet is broken now *sigh*
i bought dis 4GB memory stick for my sony digi cam...couldnt make use of it without dis memory stick..
n dis too..Edifier M1335
cool huh?hehe....

btw, i saw dis at S&J,a tissue paper box holder.. *cute*
but dis design is de last stock ad n it's a bit broken, so i din buy it...hopefully my sis can help me to buy it at other branch, hah....
after dat, we had our dinner at food again,lol..
ordered a snack plate n i stil feel it in my stomach now..haha..

it's finger lickin' good!
while on de way back, one of my fren bought a small bear n gav it to me without our knowledge earlier..
a small suprise..soothes me a bit cuz it's de only gift i got on Valentine's though it was given to me as appreciation for accompany him 2day (dat's wad he told me)....haha..
thanks ya ^^
no S&J in mv...cant help u to buy that stupid thing..hahaz..nex time see other plc gt or not.. xD
huh? u r anonymous??swt!
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