so i juz stick to de very 1st plan of having dinner at Korean BBQ Chicken wif my girls..glad dat i don hav to ffk them, haha..
out of my expectation, we had a wonderful time 2gether =)
it's been a while since CNY,we din manage to spend our dinner 2gether cuz all of us r busy n tired after's a golden chance 2day, n glad dat Clara is joining us,hehe.. (her bf is so caring n concern about her dat he always disallow her to go out wif us..n she obeys him everytime.. sry for de disclosure Clara^^")
Shereen, Sze Pei, Clara, Carol n me, 5 of us went to Metro Point Kajang as de restaurant is located there..
when i 1st enter, i was quite impressed wif de arrangement n de theme of de restaurant..
basically it is divded into 2 parts, 1 is arranged wif de pink cushions n wooden table which we chose to seat, another wif apple green chairs n black table if im not mistaken..
de atmosphere was quite gud there n de lighting is juz perfect to take nice photographs..hahax!
we're seated separately but juz opposite each other cuz de cushions only can fit 4 persons as there 5 of us..
we ordered our meal using de 'buy 1 free 1' vouchers, dat's de main reason y we came to dis reataurant.. our *money saving plan*, haha..juz joking..
i've ordered Chicken Cutler since Jerk BBQ has sold out..
while waiting for de food to b served, we had a short "photograph session" ...^^"
we juz love to play wif facial expression xD

trying so hard to squeeze wif each other juz to fit into de pic ^^
finally, de food is served!
my Chicken Cutler.....^^
de giant paper cup beside me is de popcorn chicken + soda..^^
juz pretending to b like a couple sharing de same drink..haha!
Me n Clara wif an iced lemonade n 7up..
(again, de drink is not mine, it belongs to Carol, haha..)
de food is really nice! wanna try de burger next time, hehe..
kindly recommend u guys to dis restaurant..if u purchase de promotion vouchers, it would b more than worth!
after paying de bill, we had a walk at Metro Point..
thought it would juz b a window shopping cuz there isnt many outlets...

i brought dis "Hawaiian Lady Duster"..
wish to clean all de dust away...nice rite? ^^

my new pinky watch!
love at 1st sight!..hahaha...
we even get excited over small tings..n dat's wad makes de nite FUN..xD
we've got into dis store but i dunno wad it's call, we're SO excited when we see dis>>>>hundreds of BEARS!!
if only i can have dis as my Valentine's present,
i'll be floating in de air~~~^^

each of us holding a bear in our arms as if they're
tink it's cute so i took a pic of it..=)
de things r quite cheap in de store, Rm1 for a wrapping paper,50cents for a small b'dy card...where to find such price for these at other place?n yet, de quality is juz de same,haha..
de day is finally brighten up by dis outing for Korean BBQ Chicken during Valentine's Eve..
cuz b4 dis we're having our Contract Law test n there's 2 more papers coming up next's a mid sem test season now,sob T.Thope there'll b a plan for tmr, or else i'll be spending my day watching prison break at room....LOL!
last but not least..............
*The Most Favourite Picture of The Day*
hopefully i can slp like them everynite!!..n have sweet dreams...xD
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