Gosh, since when my house living room is like a infrared room? SAUNA??!!
It's freaking HOT these few days and it's burning my ass although I'm just sitting! I even sweat soon after I took my bathe!
It's not the first day I'm suffering to the heat of the weather since back to my hometown.
Seriously, I don't think that the fan is a FAN anymore because it is NOT cooling at all!!!
And half an hour ago, I was editing some pictures for my aunt's birthday present on this coming Thursday.
I wasn't in a bad mood but this god damn hot weather made me become GRUMPY!!
I really could yell out if someone come and bother me that time!

Shit! It's getting hotter and hotter now!
Does people on the earth realize what's going on now?
It's the effect of global warming!! We learned it since we're small, but when we're growing up and getting older, we tend to forget what've we learned!

We really should start SAVING the EARTH.
This EARTH is OURS, WE ALL should LOVE it!! But what are we people doing now?!
How can we concentrate on our work in everyday life without a safe and comfy environment to live on?

What about the government? Shouldn't they cut off the fucking crap on politics and maybe give a LITTLE bit attention to our environment?
A lousy country comes with a lousy government!! There's no need more explaination for this.
p/s: Just wanna let out some pek chek-ness because I really really really really really can't stand the increasing temperature!

using air-cond brings no go0d 2 d environment either..
yalo.....but really cant survive without it ><
did u actually study science before?or this is the common knowledge..switching on the air-con doesnt make the environment any good..except...well...cooling u..the CFC damages the ozone layer ><
btw...finally u understand how i feel when i always yell to go out ><
haha..of course i know la...then wad? everyone is stil using air-cond everyday!
nvm la, since u guys so many comments, i juz delete dat 1 la.... ><
yalo, go to cafe or mall at least is COOL...cuz have AIR-COND................Still de same wad =.="
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