I'd attended a surprise birthday gathering (I suppose) for Wan Shin at Chilis (The Garden) last night. The whole thing was planned by our 'tiny but super loud' sister, Miss Loh. According to what she said, I really think that she's very sincere to organize this party for her best buddy. =) It was the first time that I visited to this restaurant actually. Everything was fine but due to the effect of my cough medicine, I still feel sleepy and no ohm. Lol... It took us like half an hour to get seated nicely because we had quite a number of people. It's really not easy to gather up to 15 people from different colleges at different states. I was quite confusing when viewing the menu---don't know what to order. LOL. At last, we decided to share two main course for three persons.

Not mine but nice. =)
The food was quite nice but the bill was nicer... The total was Rm500++. We also paid Rm20 per person for her Rm500++ present, it's going to be a A/X bag. O.o Despite having fun, one thing that I'd discovered was that, I feel like there's a gap between us (me and miss loh, we're in the same gang during high school) and it's getting bigger and bigger. When the ladies were talking about branded bags, make-up accessories, facial....etc, I just can't cut in. I have nothing to say on these topics because I don't really spend my money on these. Duh...I bought bags, but not Gucci or CK, just Nike or Adidas. I ain't a make-up freak, I'm really really lazy to remove the make-up if I wear them everyday, unless when there are functions or someday when I've change my habit? lol.. When came to this topic, all I did was saying nothing! That's why when she asked, "why are you so quiet today?" Sometimes I'm quiet when with someone I'm not familiar with or when I don't feel like talking all the time! I don't feel shy but weird. Why can't I say something? Simply say something. There's not only girls' thing that we can talk about, sure there're something that we're in sync, that's why we are friends till now. Though we don't always meet, but she will still my best friend. I hope I'm the same. I hope that nothing has changed and won't be changing.
i just had the southwestern grilled lamb for dinner too...damn i missing it d
i love de lamb meat wei...but cant always go there ler, so exp >< dis month i broke ad...too many events ><
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