I'd received a gift (souvenir) from a friend who had been to Taiwan for about 7 weeks during our last sem break. It's the first time we talk face to face actually, LOL. The gift is a special thing which survives in clear water. It's special because I never seen this thing before! haha... Thought it's a moss or lichen or something but it's not. It's called
Marimo in Japanese.

Marimo is also known as
Cladophora ball, Lake ball or Moss Balls in English. It's a species of filamentous green algae which is found in a number of lakes in the northen hemisphere. It's also a rare growth form of species where the algae grow into large green balls with a velvety appearance. You only can see colonies of such balls in Iceland, Japan and Estonia. (Done my research xD) This is why I feel that the gift is unique. lol.. The biggest marimo that has been discovered is 60cm presently. Perhaps 150 years later, you can see two giant marimo(s) in Malaysia. xP

The two tiny Marimo(s).
I'll take care of it with love and care as stated in the instructions. LOL
p/s: Thanks ya jh. Haha....
haha..welcome..ur pic out of focus d...anyway..150 yrs later..maybe they wont see only 2 giant marimo...probably 4...as i kept 2 here with me..haha..
sry lor, my hp cam cannot focus 1, so lame...try to catch de best pic ad. LOL... haha..Oh...u hav another 2 wif u? see whose grow bigger later xP
walao...i give u the bigger ones ler..sure urs faster la..unless they die..hahahaha
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