Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Je parle Francais

I am having a stressful week now. Lots of assignments given to me, yet, I have settle none of them! This Friday we need to submit Copyright PBL in written submission and next week is the presentation week! I have presentation for curriculum class also this Saturday, I don't know why the lecturer like to give us work to do so much! Next week, it's my turn to present in Tort tutorial with another malay classmate, we are going to discuss about it tomorrow. OMG....darn many things haven't do yet! Among those hateful classes, the only class that I quite enjoy is my French class. We have to deliver a dialog in a group of two today, my partner is definitely Carol. Here goes our conversation:

(My name is Audrey is the class and Carol is Carole.)

A: Bonjour, mademoiselle.
C: Salut, je m'appelle Carole. Tu es t'appelle?
A: Je m'appelle Audrey. Enchante.
C: Comment ca va?
A: Je vais bien. Ca va?
C: Ca va. Tu es etudiante?
A: Oui, je suis etudiante. Je suis fransaise. Et toi?
C: Moi aussi, je suis etudiante. Je suis Japoinaise. Tu es belle.
A: Thank you.
C: Tu parles anglais?
A: Eh oui, je parle anglais et francais. Tu habites a college de UKM?
C: Oui, j'habite a college de UKM. Mon papa est professer ici.
A: Tres bien. Mon papa est chanteur.
C: Qui?
A: Enrique.
C: Pardon?
A: Enrique Iglesias.
C: Superbe! J'amie Enrique.
A: Oui? Merci.
C: J'ai aller. Excusez moi.
A: A la prochain.
C: A bientot....

It's a short conversation and we have to act it in the middle of the class as all the students were seated in a big circle. It was quite fun. Others presented it very well too, except two Chinois that I really don't get what they're talking about. And the last group was super funny, they delivered it in an exaggerate manner. lol. The class was very fun. We feel less tense after the class because we had a lot of laughter there. I feel fortunate that out of my busy time, I have chance to loosen myself. Then I can continue my various task again. Aller aller aller! Gambateh. ^^

p/s: Enrique is not a french actually, haha..

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