Saturday, July 3, 2010

No Bra No Luck!!


What a turn off in World Cup. Brazil was knocked off by Holland?!! Why didn’t the Brazilians wear yellow instead of blue? That’s why they don’t have luck today. And shitty Holland played so rude! Damn Robin Van Persie and Arjen Robben!!!!!! Feel like wanna give them to taste my fists on their face!!!

Oh crap.. I just got too excited and still can’t calm down! The fact is out. Brazil has lost! T_____T

Hopefully Argentina can make it to the world cup tomorrow. Knock off Germany!!! Go ARgentina!!!!!


Life aint easy said...

sorry honey, germany won already..haha

X u A n i E said...

haha.. yea i know. tomorrow spain vs germany. im going to support germany! haha....

X u A n i E said...

yaya, i know that. Wasnt very sad when saw Germany won because I'm not a big fan of it! hehe.. I hope tonight Holland will lose because they beat down Brazil!!hahaha.. Anyway, I hope germany can win for final because I bet Germany is gonna win :P