Monday, July 6, 2009

First Day, First Sem of Second Year,

It's just another shitty day actually...Everyone's rushing to register course early in the morning. We aren't newbie, should know that the earlier we register the better, but we were late!!! Almost every flexible course that we want are already full. Darn it!! Especially the elective course and U2 / U3..They're so bothering.....>< At last, me and my gang has registered U3-Falsafah Alam Sekitar which is scheduled on Thurs 5pm....I also don't know what is it about! But I've got no choice man....Sigh. And for elective, I wanted to take IP initially but it was already FULL!!!! Charlie suggested us that we register all that are available first then just decide which to drop and we did it. After considering, I've chosen Cyber Law and droppedthe others. When evening I just knew that it's really not a good choice to choose Cyber Law because its wider scope, more difficult and most importantly, hard to score!! =.=" That stupid Islamic Criminal Law (compulsory) is clash with International Business Law ( elective) which means we all second year can't take IBL for now..What the heck?! I really have to admit that UKM's system is always sucks in scheduling. When new sem starts, there's sure problems in registering course. We only register for lecture classes now, tutorial's will be scheduled later, sure headache again....Sighx!

We got our very first lecturer class today --- Family Law. Family Law and Islamic Family Law are two different classes, so our lecturer decided to separate us into 60 people respectively for each class. Meaning that if we get Family Law, then we don't need to attend Islamic Family Law for this sem. I would prefer FL first if I'm given an option, but I got IFL this sem! Sigh, hope won't be boring O.o The good news is my gang is with me. =) Something funny happened in the class. Our lecturer asked a question about definition of family, Haris was the first to answer. After that, Summer raised up her hand.

"What's your name?"


"What? Sama dengan Haris? Oh, how could your name sama dengan Haris??"

The whole class burst out loud!!!!! LOL As a Malaysian, you all should know that we usually pronounce "sama" as "same"(malay). Oh my dear prof, she's Summer not "sama"....haha!

After the class and after done registering, I'm free till BORED!! If only I can skip ><

p/s: The water in the bathroom is still so yellowish!!!!! Impossible to not growing pimples....Sien sia...


nouri farshad said... huh..i know how it feels...but i actually miss those was different then...

feeling of nostalgia... :)

X u A n i E said...

hi ken! how are you? doing your chambering now?
yea...i would miss these moments too when I am your age later ><