This is a movie released on around April in year 2009. It deals with relaitonship matters, including boyfriend girlfriend relationship, sexual affairs, marriage, singlehood, dating, divorce, and slightly about gays. Its genre includes comedy, romance drama... There are a lot of different stories of different people who are link together in the movie. At first I thought it was quite complicated, but in a second, I found that it was actually interesting and quite meaningful. Problems which occur in the story do happen in reality, but how do we solve it? There's a lot to learn. I'll list down a few just to share it...
1. Never tell lies no matter how small it is.
2. Never go to a guy who is already married.
Janine wants a divorce with Ben not because of he slept with Anna (he admit to her eventually), but is because of Ben lied to her that he didn't smoke. It's funny right? Is this a joke? They divorce because of this 'small' matter? The lie might seems insignificant but it may be a BIG thing to another party. Thus, we should not tell lies as it would hurt people feelings.
3. If a guy doesn't call means he.........
4. There are rules but there are too exceptions. Not everything happens in the same way but we ought to follow the rule to find or 'unless' you are the exception.
My favourite couple in this movie is Gigi and Alex. Gigi happens to be a girl who's looking for a guy who'll call her, After her first meeting with Conor, she waits beside her phone for days.Until she meets Alex who taught her a lot of things, like when a guy likes a girl, he will make it happen, ask the girl out or something else..etc. They become friends after a few times conversation. Gigi then figures out some signs and though Alex likes her and makes herself a fool, so she didn't find him for a few days. Meanwhile, Alex can't focus on his daily routine and keep asking whether he has a call, he even search for his cell's antenna just to check it's available. He finally fell for Gigi and they be together in the end.
What does this tell? Everyone is the same. When people are in love, they'll act like they are in love just like anybody else. It's normal and don't afriad to fall in love. =)
5. Sexual affairs??
I'm not going to comment much about this. Anna's life..I don't really like it. She fell for Ben who is already married and has an affair with him. She also has an affair with Conor who thinks he wants to live the rest of his life with her but Anna rejected him. At last, Conor turns out to be with Anna's close friend Mary who always finds date online and through whatever mail (email, voicemail......) Although Anna's very hot and has a great figure, but her life actually sucks. There's no happiness I suppose. Don't think that you can win a married man's heart, though they're attracted by you but your life and happiness is not guaranteed. Maybe it's just lust, lust is not love, never. Don't make a fool yourself because you'll suffer in the end.
6. Gays' signals have nothing to do with straight's signals.
7. Marriage....hmm.
In the story, Beth and Neil are together for 7 years but they never get married. This is because Neil thinks that people get married are not trustable and he don't think that they go against the nature by not getting married. He thinks that they both are people who happened not to be married, as long as they happy, that's enough. But actually Beth wanted to get married. Because of this problem, they broke up. Somehow, they both are back together and Neil finally knee down and asks her "will you marry me?"
Ok, from this part, what will you say about? Marriage, it's something crucial and needed between a couple when they're ready. If there's no marriage, there will be no family and you are unidentified, especially for the females, how do you want people to address you? By Miss, Madam or Mrs? Think about it.
These are some of my thoughts after watching it. It's just partly. If you have some comments, you can share it here. Just a sharing of the same interests =)
Here goes the synopsis of the movie :
Since the age of 5, Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) has been told that when men act like jerks, it means they like her.
Years later, Gigi is now struggling to find true love while shifting through men who are simply not interested. After her latest date, Conor (Kevin Connolly), has failed to call her, Gigi visits a bar he said he frequented in order to see him. There, she is approached by Alex (Justin Long), a friend of Conor's who works at the bar. Gigi claims she is waiting for Connor, since she needs to return a dentist's pen to him. However, Alex quickly sees through her lie, claiming Connor's dentist is his father (not the name written on the pen). Gigi admits that Connor is not expecting her, and explains her confusion over his lack of response. Alex tells her that Connor isn't interested, and then takes it upon himself to explain the "signs" to Gigi.
Meanwhile, Connor, having just left his date with Gigi, calls his girlfriend Anna (Scarlett Johansson). Anna is shopping in the supermarket and runs into Ben (Bradley Cooper). He tells her to go before him in line, citing an indecision about gum as the reason. Anna tells Connor she has to go, and, as she is checking out, is awarded a cooler as a 1000th visitor gift. The two exchange numbers outside when Ben says he knows someone who can help Anna with her singing career. After a few moments of hesitation, Ben admits that he is married. The two part, and Ben walks over to a car and gets in. Neil (Ben Affleck) then asks Ben what that was about.
When Neil returns home, he is greeted by his girlfriend of seven years, Beth (Jennifer Aniston). She announces that her younger sister is getting married. Neil, who is in the kitchen making tea, tells Beth that he doesn't believe in marriage. Beth, who desperately wants to get married to Neil, doesn't understand why he dislikes the idea so much.
Ben meets his wife Janine (Jennifer Connelly) back at their new townhouse, currently being renovated.
Gigi, excited about the tips Alex gave her, eagerly shares them with her coworkers, Janine and Beth. Gigi explains that if he's interested, he'll make the first move, and if he's not, he won't. When she claims that there are exceptions, but that the majority are not, she unintentionally implies that Neil will never marry Beth, since they have been together for 7 years and they haven't married yet.
Beth confronts Neil when she goes home, saying she can't deal with it anymore. When Neil continues to refuse to get married, the two break up.
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