WE ARE BACK!!! Finally......It's been decades we never gather together like now. Such a rare and precious chance!! "The Six Mighties" is the name given while we're still the committee of 53rd Land Scout 06/07 in Keat Hwa High School.

The 6 of us! =)
Well, we purposely held a gathering on last wednesday at Spring Leaf because Li yong is going to further his study at Utar, Kampar campus. I attended that gathering soon after I reached Alor Star from Genting. We chat a lot and always have interesting conversation especailly when KS is there, haha... I slept quite late that night. In consequence, I woke up at 2.30pm on the next day and got a bad headache ><>

Gathering at Spring Leaf and all who present ^^
Today, Li Yong has depart to Kampar while some of us went to Penang for a one day trip. Haha.... Initially we ask him to join us but unfortunately he has to leave, too bad~ We spent the half day in Penang and ONLY at Gurney. Haha.... But we still FUN!! We had our dinner at Fish Market, the first time I have my meal there. haha... Very fulling and nice =) Next, we went to sing k at Redbox and celebrated Hui Shen's birthday. Today is his 20th birthday "Happy Birthday again dude! Thanks for fetching me back home." ^^
So suprising that Thye Poh still working at Redbox and already naik pangkat!! hahaha.... Now he's wearing white formal shirt with a tie, no more orange redbox shirt. hehe... And more suprising is Hui Shen met his xx ex girlfriend when we are on the way to toilet. Me and Chia Yuan saw her at first, then we both look at each other and laugh!! My next response is grab on Hui Shen's arm and push him toward and said "Wei, your ex, Cecilia is at behind, faster run!!" LOL...... That time he still blur blur and I'm not going to tell what happen next, figure out yourself. haha... But Chia Yuan them keep laughing at what I've said to just now, so funny meh?! Hahaha......
Later on, we had a movie. Watch , just so so...not very nice. The idea is smart but the story and scene is a bit boring. Hehe...We had dinner + supper at Guan Na Kak, long time never been there, miss the food xD Before we leave, a woman suddenly fell on the floor when she's getting up or when sitting on the stool, we have no idea about it.... ><
We chat all the way back to Alor Star. We chat about the old times, the experiences when we camping at school, Gunung Jerai, Havard Golf Club, Pantai Merdeka..........about confident walk, the haunted room and the toilet, the chicken..haha! They all are super omg.. And also "the day after tomorrow" at Pantai Merdeka, I'll never forget that! Haha... Really unforgetable memory of ours during high school. KS is planning for a big event on this end of year, see whether we can work it out. The time we had, we can never get back. These will be eternal memories of mine. I'm very glad to spend my scout life with you guys, it's bitter sweet. We've been through tough moments and laughters together, and I hope that we can continue to share our life experience for today and tomorrow.
"Once a scout, forever a scout"---be prepared! xD
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