Sunday, June 27, 2010



My mood turned down when I think about my future and what I will through when new semester begins. Soon I’m going to be a third year student.

I don’t know why I’m being aggressive when I heard my friend told me that we can register new course now but actually it only opened to juniors only, not yet our turn. I called some of my juniors to ask them to register for me by using their account but I failed due to the clash of them and the same course that we want to take. I told myself: Relax, there’s nothing to rush. Why am I so kia su?

Actually I have been quite a passive person since my university life begins. I feel pressure with the surroundings, the people and everything. I’m being so pessimistic all the time because I feel that I don’t have the requirements to be a lawyer – my English is poor, my advocacy skills sucks and I’m not sensitive to the most recent issues as well as the past ones. In short, I’m a failure.

Am I thinking too much? I’m actually starting to imagine how my future is going to be. Eventually I’ll be dead competing with thousands of law students and law graduates during attachment or chambering. Don’t be surprise when you see me like this. I think my old friends never see this side of me before, so pessimistic. I hate when I’m like this.

But someone inspires me. Her actions told me not to give up. She is my cousin who lives next door. When I was young, we played mamasak together and went tuition English at Mr Foo together. We actually grow up together. The difference was, we never been to the same schools. Honestly, my school results are always better than her. But we never bother about this. She’s good in cooking, drawing and designing. She had completed Diploma in Interior Design. After 2 years working, she had decided to continue her degree for the same course because she realized that graduate with diploma can’t survive in this community.

Tomorrow she’s going to fly to Penang and KL and then Ireland. Yes, she’s pursuing her studies in Ireland. SHE IS GOING ALONE!!! Her course will be started on September actually but she’s going early to find job. Her parents paid the fees for her but she’ll have to settle the daily expenses on her on. She’ll probably carrying a dictionary wherever she goes because her English is very weak. (no offence)

She’s really a tough girl. I know she’s worrying about many things, worrying that she can’t communicate with the people there, can’t find job or can’t find cheap accommodation. But I know EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!

I will install Skype soon so that you can talk to me whenever you want. I might want to talk to you too when I miss you. Haha. So regretful that I can’t have a farewell with her because everything is too pack and sudden. I’ll see you in a year’s time!

The telly is screening 第二十一届金曲奖 and it makes me feel like crying when I hear JJ singing this song - 张惠妹《掉了》(阿妹 won many awards tonight. Gratz!) haha..

His singing is really amazing! I love his voice.

黑色笑靨掉了 雪白眼淚掉了 該出現的所有表情瞬間掉了
瞳孔沒有顏色 結了冰的長河 回憶是最可怕的敵人
故事情節掉了 主角對白掉了 該屬于劇中的對腳戲也掉了
胸口沒有快樂 斷了翅的白鴿 不枯萎的藉口全掉了

There is nothing I can’t acheieve in this world, as long as I put enough effort in it! Believe in myself. I CAN DO IT!!


pinyin said...

to be honest, i think u r a talented person.

X u A n i E said...

Lol.... how talented? Seldom meet people who think highly of me.. thanks!