Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working as a Promoter at Jom Heboh

DSC05403-1 Have you heard of Jom Heboh Carnival? It’s organized by TV3 every month in different state in Malaysia. It was held at Kangar’s Stadium from 29-30 May 2010 where I had been working as promoter under G2 company.

I went for an interview alone a few weeks ago at Pacific mall nearby my house. To my surprise, the agent was a senior during my high school times. One week later, I got an sms from her that I’ve got the job. It was good to hear that because I’ve wanted to work so much while I was killing by boredom at home!

A day before the carnival, we were asked to gather at Alor Star mall as there would be a short brief. I’ve met a few seniors from my high school too. They were working as a promoter like me as well but we were assigned to different brands. The brands included were Scott’s, Ribena and Horlicks and I was in Scott’s. We were briefed by the respective supervisors who came all the way from Kuala Lumpur just for this carnival.

On the first day, I woke up and 5am and prepared myself. We gathered at Tesco at 6.30am and departed together after everyone had arrived. It had been a while since I’d woke up so early. Lol. We had no choice because we had to help to set up before our working time at 10am.

30052010627-1 Our booth – Scott’s

There were many other booth doing promotion as well. It was certainly a great competition among all of them. Although we worked as promoters but my team weren’t in-charge of the sales. Our job scopes excluded selling Scott’s. We were told to attract more customers to come forward to our booth only and we rotated our job frequently so that it won’t be bored. How thoughtful of our supervisor. haha…

DSC05401-1 You wouldn’t want to open it. This was the so called ‘public toilet’. FOC for the entrance.

The weather on the first day was so freaking hot and I felt that time was passing too slow. I guess because everyone and the job were new to me. LOL. On the second day, we were lucky because it was cloudy at most the time and it past faster than the first day. Either day, I didn’t feel like going to the toilet instead I need more drinking water! There was PEPSICO which sell canned drinks and only cost RM1 for each! It was really cheap and I got one free pepsi when I bought 5 cans of revive. haha…

Quite a number of them were younger than me, mostly were graduates from STPM who were waiting for university results. There were also 2 promoters aged 17 but they looked like 20 years old in my eye. LOL. I was stunned when I was told of their age. One was a malay girl who was fired by my supervisor because of her dissatisfied performance; Another was a sales guy who came to talk to me out of the blue.

30052010669-1 This is Kia Joo doing sampling. He was my senior in high school too and we ride the same bus to school last time. Haha.

30052010640-1 Sam, the new promoter on the second day guiding the customers who had purchased Scott’s to play game. Free prizes were awarded no matter the ball was in or not. LOL!!!

DSC05407 Seek Chung, pumping the balloons. I’d pumped a thousand of balloons in 2 days. You can call me a pro now. haha…

30052010628-1 Mei Yen, distributing the balloons. The balloons were surprisingly more popular than the products of Scott’s. Everyone came scrambled for it. I’d never feel like a celebrity before I got the chance to distribute the balloons because as people saw me, they would rush over and grab one balloon from me, not only kids but also adults. The balloons in my hands were gone just in a second! Actually I felt more like a clown just that I don’t have those scary make-up and don’t wear funny attires. haha…

30052010681-1 The people doing sales.

30052010665 Set up for the TV3 live show - Melodi. The Malays love it.

30052010666 Recording show.

30052010675-1 It was more crowded on the second day. Almost all of the customers were Malays. I could barely see some Chinese or Indian customers.

30052010682-1 Me and Kia Joo loaf on the job…. And OMG we were being snapped by our supervisor!!! +.+

DSC05408-1 Lastly, this is the ‘big guy’ - my supervisor. He came from Kuantan and speaks Cantonese. I’ve found that his pattern is a bit like Wey Jye and his tone is like JR (not that I want to mention him but they are really similar). swt..

Luckily he’s not the strict boss, he’s a funny one. I had my dinner breaks together with my supervisor on both days. He treated me bihun soup on the last day and now I owed him one, lol.. Does he looked like Vincent Zhao or Ronald Cheng?

1228268671164 ronald cheng I said Ronald Cheng! Muahaha~ (evil laughs)

I’m glad to have him as my supervisor. Happy working with others as well. We won’t be meeting each other for quite some time now but we’ll keep in touch on facebook. Thanks to Fb. hehe :)


Ju 凯如 said...

sounds like fun woh ^^v..he really like the ronald cheng xD

X u A n i E said...

yaya.. looks like ronald cheng more rite? haha.... i saw u work at many roadshows oso.. can recommend me ar when back KL? wanna earn some pocket money too ! :D