Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Shopping Day at Gurney

Went shopping at Gurney yesterday with my sister. I wasn’t prepare for this but there were sales! I just can’t resist it. Initially I said I have nothing to buy but end up I bought the most. This wasn’t the first time though. Haha.. This is what happened when I go shopping, cant’t stop spending. Now I’m seriously broke, no more vacation for me. =.=

These are my booty of the day. =)


Converse ALL STAR.

Limited Edition. :)

It would be perfect to wear with jeans. Simple and casual. ^^


My sis also bought a pair and the total was above Rm300, so we got this, exclusive redemption card.

Rm100 for a stamp, get 5 to redeem Rm50 rebate. But I don’t think I’ll spend that much at Converse again. But if you guys (who I always meet) are buying anything at Converse which cost above Rm100, remember to tell me so that I can collect the stamps. hehe..^^

I’ve always wanted a new pair of jeans. MNG was on sales so I got this.


Black. Slim. Rm99

The top is from PADINI, 50% discount. Wahaha~


Cam whoring with my new clothes. Have I got any slimmer? lol….


By the way, I’ve also watched Toy Story 3. Didn’t expect it to be so nice. There were many new characters in the movie, meet also Spanish Buzz..LOL! It was interesting, funny, suspenseful and the ending was really touching… “Woody never gives up and always be there for you.” I love Toy Story 3!! Well done PIXAR! :D

Shopping is always like dream comes true but after shopping is the beginning of the nightmare – life is helpless without money. Lol

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