Friday, June 25, 2010


I’m so free at home that my uncle gave me a task – help him to type the donating name list, 16 pages and it’s all chinese name! Swt….. I’m working on it now. 11 pages to go.. hehe!

It’s 25 June already, short sem has ended (hooray for those who had short sem).

My sem break is coming to an end soon. During this holiday I seldom meet with friends if compared to previous break. I only meet some of them for not more than 10 times in 60days, for many reasons. Besides, I have been attending yoga class at Cheah Dance Studio (near Keat Hwa). This is one of my favourite activites throughout this holiday. I attend the class a few times a week, sometimes twice a week, depends on the schedule. I love doing yoga because it really helps to burn fat! haha.. That’s one of the reason actually. Yoga really can relax my mind as it goes with the music and it’s good for health. My big belly has shrunk a bit now (my boobs shrunk too as I was starting to lose weight! shit.) but it (refer to my belly) begins to grow when I didn’t continue doing it. Haiz. Why do I grow fat so easily?

Bi is going to fly home on today’s midnight. Sob.. I’m gonna miss him more than now. My days will be more bored when he goes back because he’ll be busy gathering with friends and no time to talk to me. Plus, the sms rate is more expensive for him. T.T But this suffer is not going to last long, we will meet after 2 weeks! It’ll past in just a blink of an eye (self-consolation). So in the mean time I must find something to do so that I won’t feel dying at home. Doing nothing will make time runs slower. It’s true.

But I’m so lazy to do anything now. Perhaps I should rest enough and keep energy to prepare for the new coming sem. I’m going to be a 3rd year undergraduate!

Oh ya, new sem means Nougats will be arriving soon! (really a big inspiration to me, haha!) Carol’s cousin – Raymond is going to fly over from Australia and deliver some chocolate to us as well. haha! Looking forward to meet him since we only talk on facebook. :)

New sem! New hope! Going to work hard on it. Go!Go!Go!

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