Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Dined In Spaghetti & Grill
Two days before Christmas, I had a gathering with the AIESEC-ers and some interns. :)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My Emotion Is Cold
I received a bad news about my friend's brother passed away today. It happened in such a sudden and beyond expectation. At the same time, the first snow fall in ChengDu today somehow resemblance my mood. It is cold and helpless. I hope that he will be strong and everything will be fine soon.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Please Appreciate Your Life!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
My Splendid Year of 2010
This post is dedicated to all my beloved friends and family. Please don't feel lazy to open the link because I want to share the happiness with all of you. Because of you, I have an amazing 2010. Thanks to everyone who ever involve in my life. I hope you have a splendid year too. :) I love all of you.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
How do a couple become lovers for life?
This is actually a post from a friend. He wrote this article after he attended a talk and I think it benefit us all so I should share it with all of you.
p/s: If you don't understand it, use google translate because I'm lazy to do the job. Hehe! :P
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Love of Siam
The movie was produced in 2007 and it was a romantic-drama film. The story is about family drama and contains the element of gay romance between two teenage boys. Is is a good movie and quite touching.
Le Shan's FOOD!!!!
Le Shan is a small place with many good food hidden in town! You just have to explore it on your own... Omg I'm still missing them!
ChengDu Lifestyle
ChengDu's lifestyle is more relaxing than other big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. The people there are very friendly and they speak Si Chuan Manderin most the time. Although they can understand common chinese, but some of them are not able to reply in chinese and therefore I need to understand what are they saying and it was some hard for me. It was not big problem though.
The average of ChengDu citizens have good incomes and the city has various type of entertainment. The people there love to play poker cards, mahjong and drink tea or beer when they are free. I know how to play those games as well. Hehe! Any games that you can think of, they have it and that is why the place is fun.
Overall, it is a city that makes people hard to leave. Many of the ChengDu people really have great passion to their city and that is what amazed me. To me, it makes me want to go to that place again. And I swear that I'll be back someday. :)
Du Jiang Yan
Du Jiang Yan is the oldest Water Resources Engineering Project which was carried out by Li Bing at 227 B.C. The water is the living source of the Si Chuan citizens.
ChengDu Food
The post is about the food in ChengDu which I could never have enough! Experience it yourself. :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Moving To My New Blog
I'm moving my blog from blogspot to sina. Please visit me at My blog's name is 杺妧的博客.
The old blogspot will remain here, don't worry..And I will still track on the bloggers. Hehe..
I will do my best for the new blog, it will be better than the old one. I hope you guys will continue to support me. Thanks! :)
p/s: My posts about the recent China trip will be in Chinese because I want to make it perfect. There are words that English cannot best express them nor translate. I'm sorry if some of you can't understand the language but I'm sure the pictures will satisfy you. Cheers. :D
Saturday, December 4, 2010
A Gift
I used to be so excited and happy when I received a gift. I love collecting gifts and also greeting cards. But when I turned 21 years old, gifts that I received, whether is during my birthday or other festivals are becoming lesser and lesser. Anyway, I do appreciate gifts that I’d ever received.
Gifts are from people who know you and remember you, I thought. Gifts can be for decorations, for daily use or as luxury if any can afford it. Who will feel not happy when they received it?
I believed that some gifts have its own meaning, mostly are to be kept as memory, whether over some events or the people. For example, lovers like to make swan origami to wish their partner to be happy forever or as a symbolize of their love. But it can also be a gift when the lovers are apart. Then, it is something that will recall the sweet times together but at the same time, the receiver will feel heart broken. In this case, it is a sad one.
There was a stranger who gave hand-made gifts to her lover. While they broke up, she wrote a letter to him. In the letter, she didn’t express hatred. Instead, she knows that there is no reverse of time, there is no forgive or to be forgiven and she would forget all those memories or at least when the time fades, she’ll move on. I thought she was such a mature person who can deal with her love problem properly. I would not say the way she did was the best way but it was the proper way for both. Things done can’t be changed. There is no reason to embrace something which has already gone.
Again, I wondered, why was there someone willing to give up a person such understanding as her. I felt pity and at the same time guilty to the girl. But when it came to the purpose of writing the letter, I doubted if I was right.
When you know things would end that way at the first place, it is already meaningless to let everything started. At the end of the day, all you have left are only the memories. Why give away something while you know you can’t have it back? Why give the present to let the receiver to remember what you both had been through when you want to forget everything and move on?
The answer is only one, because of love. Love is free, it need not any reason for all the things that are done. But love, at the same time is selfish. Although she wanted to forget those memories but she was actually making something for her to be remembered and the relationship to be kept as memory.
Perhaps a gift is only a matter of entitling, it is a wish to own something. It is some sort of property but also a tool to be used to remember certain persons or events. If you have ever received this kind of gifts, perhaps you should keep it safe. One day when you lost everything, you’ll remember that once you had someone who loved you so much and had sacrificed so much for you. You’ll feel appreciate, and, that will be a reason for you to be happy, although you have lost it.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Flood In My Hometown
The flood started few days ago from the boarder of Thailand to Perlis and then Kedah. Many streets and housing areas in Alor Star were flooded, ie: Taman Golf, Kampung Pisang, ‘Second Road’, the market in Teluk Wanjah…… Those areas which were first in time affected were in quite serious conditions. I heard that my ex-high school, SMJK Keat Hwa’s current Head Principle’s house was flooded too and his refrigerator was floating in his house. Many victims of the flood could not get out from the house or couldn’t go back to their house after the flood. I was so worried when I first heard the news in the midnight while chatting with a friend on MSN. I called home on the next day and I was glad that my house was safe.
Unfortunately, my house couldn’t escape from the flood. It was safe in the first two days but since yesterday, the water finally “visited” my house compound area. The water level increased very slowly and after that it entered into the living room. My parents visited to Kuala Lumpur on Friday and they were eager to know about the condition too. So we made a video call this afternoon to see the condition. But the water level was very shallow, it only flooded the first living room for a few inches. The kids in my house weren’t at home too, they’d visited to their grandmother’s house in Sungai Petani before the flood. Otherwise, it will create worries for the elders regarding their safety. The elders in my house can’t get out from the house now because the cars could not be used. Hopefully there are enough food for them and the electric power and water supply will not be cut off.
This is the first time that Kedah is in such a serious flood. Many people are homeless now until the water is ebb and we don’t know how many days we should wait. Luckily our government had supply food and water to the victims, they had sent some agents to vacate some areas and send the victims to places which safe so that they have shelter and have something to eat. There are also Kedahans who formed a recue team themselves to rescue the people. Check out from this link. 吉打你我成长地, 赈灾救济一起来
I’m currently in UKM and can’t do much to help my family, whatmore the people in my hometown. I only can rely on the government agents and also the rescue team, They are the real life heros. We are not sure that whether more areas will be affected or which state is going to be affected after Perlis and Kedah. Things that we couldn’t stop it from happening, we must stay strong and go through it together. Friends and relatives out there, whether you are studying abroad or working abroad or currently at the other state, please call home to make sure that your family are safe before it is too late. God bless you.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tips and Tricks to face Finals
I’m already doing my third year degree now and I’m not sure how many finals I still can have. But from now on, I wish to do more than good in my future finals. It’s not too late to discuss about the tips and tricks. So I’m here to share something that I’ve learnt throughout these 8 days of my finals.
1. Study Smart
I used to study EVERYTHING that I’ve learnt in the lecturer class and seldom spot on the question which might come out in the exam. I feel more secure this way in case I left out any and it came out in the exam. But this time is totally different, we only have a few days to study before our finals, not even one week and it is impossible to cover everything topics since our time are so limited, we can’t remember everything just by reading it once!
I guess this time our lecturers understood our critical situation and took pity on us, we knew the scope to focus for most subjects. There are usually 4 questions in the paper and we are only required to answer 2 out of 4 unless stated otherwise. Thus in my case, I usually will focus on 2 main topics and I’ll make sure that I can answer on that particular questions and back up another topic. It is important to note that do not pick the topic that is very new to you and you don’t really understand what you really read. Because at the end, you’re just wasting your time and you’re losing out of time.
2. Update facebook and email from time to time.
This is a very sarcastic story. The first paper is the most hardest subject among the 7 because the scope is so wide and there are 3 lecturers who are teaching us on this subject and we are required to answer 3 questions from 3 parts. We did know what they want and can’t satisfy every single lecturer without understanding their demands. Thus, 3 days before exam I’d started to prepare for it and die hard for it.
After the paper, although I can answer the questions but I wouldn’t say that I’ve reached the objectives of that paper and I found out that there were errors in my answers. A few friends even broke down on that day because they felt bad for that paper. Only until the next 2 days, we only realized that actually others already knew what question would come out. People had been sending mails and even announced it on facebook status. I had actually received a few articles sent from my course-mate which would help us in answering and some of the questions were designed based on that articles but I ignored them. Because on that time, I just wanted to settle what I was reading.
It was undeniable a heart-broken news and it was to late to regret. So from now on, I’ve decided to click and open the documents and look at the contents before I choose whether I should rely on it, it is better than not to take the first step to open it.
It become a trend to post everything on facebook nowadays including exam tips. The top student of my batch, the so-called ‘Professor’ also posted on facebook the tips that he got and it was really accurate! That helped us a lot in out studies and also in answering. Therefore, it is suggested that while you’re studying, please check on your facebook from time to time. It won’t waste you a lot of time and it is worth doing it.
3. Share your knowledge with your friends.
Always disclose the information that you got that is related to your study. As mentioned, we have really limited time to study therefore this time, we relied on each other very much. I really want to thanks to my course-mates and friends because they disclosed everything that they’ve known instead of keeping it to themselves. It’s my luck to study together with them.
Apart from that, it is better to have a mini group discussion with your group before exam. It is better to absorb things than memorizing it alone in your room. But you must be well-prepared before you participate, otherwise the result is a negative one.
4. Maintain stable mentality
It is very important to keep yourself calm while studying. Don’t keep on thinking on the negative way and stop worrying about the exam next day. Just go with the flow and read in a usual way like you always did. You’ll find it easy and effective. It will be hard to focus and absorb if you got panic. So, just stay calm and try to understand the text before you start memorizing. Take some health products or chicken essence if necessary.
5. Take good care of your health
After studying for the whole day, you should award yourself and sleep early. Don’t stay up whole night and until exam in the morning because your second day will be runied by your tiredness and dizziness. You won’t be able to focus on the next subject later on. Besides, you must make sure that you don’t get sick. Take vitamin C regularly if your immune system is weak and rest you eyes and mind when you feel tired while studying.
You can always have a break and do other activities to relax your mind before you proceed to the next chapter. But make sure that you manage your time well. Spend time wisely and precisely.
6. Seek for advice when necessary
Consultation is also a factor to help you to achieve calmness and keep you away from stress. Whenever you feel stress and don’t know how to manage it, find someone, for example your best friend or a person reliable to talk about it. Don’t keep it to yourself. I’m sure that they’ll be there for you. If you feel like crying, just cry out loudly; If you feel like eating, grab some food! Just let go whatever emotion and release it. Otherwise, it will be a trauma to you.
I’m not writing any thesis or assignment. Just enjoy reading it, I hope it will be useful to you and help you to solve your pre-tension for exam. :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Life = Enjoy
From the moment that you decide on which path you're going to take, you are responsible to the life that you are going to have.
For weeks me and my friends have been busy doing our assignments and prepare for the presentations. We even have classes until midnight and a workshop on Thursday night which lasted at 1.oo AM. One thing I'm proud is that I can make use of this blogspot finally. We created a blogspot for one of our PBL assignment, which is Feel free to visit, perhaps you can seek for my assistance if you wish to create the same thing. :)
TSP's words made me realized that we can't avoid our life to be like this because we are law student. It's very common to see a student who is doing a professional course to be as busy as us. It is kind of impossible to draw a distinction between my study life and personal life. At most of the time I wish to go home as soon as the class ends but sometimes there are meetings that I have to attend and stuffs that I need to give my commitment. It is not for me to decide what time I can go home, it just depends. I can hardly make up some plans because things would pop-up from elsewhere and clashing each other.
Sometimes I wish that I can have a normal life but then I questioned myself, isn't this a normal life to me? Why are we limited by time? I left almost all my sacred free time to my VIP, I don't even have enough time to spend with ALL my friends in the whole Federal, what more about family? Don't talk about it! I'm so lazy to come up with plans because at the end of the day, I just want to lay down lazily on my bed or just do NOTHING! I'm now talking as if I'm an old fellow, great...
I always see study time = sien and non-study = enjoy, just like I divide my wardrobe into 2 parts: clothes for class and clothes for outing. Perhaps I shouldn't divide things so clear because most of my time now is very sien.
Maybe I should look life = enjoy without dividing it into study, working or whatever. Anywhere I go, anything I do, I should just enjoy the its and bits of it. It is all about how I take life.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The peak of third year's first semester.
The lectures really made us work our asses out with endless works! Another "good" news is that we don't have a proper and complete "study week" for this semester's finals and we have 7 core subjects to complete in 2 weeks' time! What the fish.... TSP is already considering to drink nescafe during finals because it is predicted that we'll have many sleepless nights. =.=" This is really the golden time to train us to deal with pressure in life in order to become stronger. We are actually in the semi-real world now, there's nothing easier than last 2 years. Don't play play ar....
I'm writing again on my blog meaning that I'm doing my studies now. (mid sem test tmr =.=) That's why I have the mood to write. This is really weird about me. Haha. Anyway, TSP's birthday will be on next Wednesday. At least we'll have a good and reasonable excuse for us to have a day to enjoy. :) I'm looking forward to that day. hehe....
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I need a way out.
Despite the pressure in my studies, I suffer in financial pressure too! It's really pathetic for the fact that I'm seriously broke after my Phuket trip but still I can't avoid spending for some 'unexpected' and 'unavoidable' events. This really depressed me. I really have to cut down a lot of my daily expenses. Don't ask me why I eat so little because I lost my appetite when I look at the food.
I'm trying to restrain myself from going too far in my relationship because I will lose my passion over something which previously I enjoyed doing them! It's really hard and I hesitate a lot when I'm going to make a decision recently. I'm a bit lost here. I don't know what are the things that 'should be done'. I'm confused about 'what I need' and 'what I want'. Although I am everywhere but I don't feel like I belong to anywhere! Is there an angel to rescue a lost soul over here?
To achieve success in life, it means that you have to act against your will wanting to live an easy and comfortable life. Because there is no easy way to achieve success, all you got to do is work hard and enjoy the hard works that you have done. And I doubt that it is what I really want. Nonetheless, having an easy life symbolizes that your life is over because you can't improve yourself without stress and a competitive environment.
So one question came to my mind: Am I aiming to become a successful lawyer? I have no definite answer for this question. I dreamed to be a lawyer because I want to earn a billion dollars and go to travel the world enjoying life! But I seemed lack of the characters to become a lawyer, this profession does not match with my nature characters. I feel like when the more I want to be a professional, the more I lost myself. Is it the life that I want? I hope the people who really understand me can give me some useful advice on this.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Just a few minutes ago, when I wanted to check out my younger sis page, I just realised that I got deleted by her, and I think that was since August because I scolded her once in the car! I just can't stand her attitude, treating the elders like not one yet, my parents still keep pampering her. They always fulfill her needs and tried in many ways to make her happy. They are only afraid of one thing - my sis losing her temper. She can angry of someone for a month and see everyone in the house like her enemy. When this happened and I was at home that time, I will not bother her and just stood in a random position. But in August, I questioned her over something. I was losing my patience when my parents tried to talk good for her, I just wanted her to answer me by her own mouth not any other people else. I hate them to interrupt. I got so pissed off when my sis replied me in a rude manner and I just hit her on the face with the something in my hand. Yes, I'm too, an easy angered person, especially towards something which I don't like. I can't control it. It was such a sudden impulse!
After that, I felt very terrible. My heart felt like burning when losing my anger. I never like family issues, who would like it? Perhaps I was jealous because mommy and daddy never do anything for me, in that way! Yet, she didn't appreciate it. Maybe she did but I hate when she is being rude to them, especially in the public! I cried until my tears dry because what I did, my intention is to solve this issue, they just don't get it don't they? I want my sis to pay some respect to my parents and hope my parents don't pamper her too much before turning her into an overbearing princess. They don't understand! I felt hurt more than anger. I told myself, I will not do this stupid things again! Trying to change the situation? I was too naive! I can't change it by myself when people don't want to. Why am I bothering so much?
Am I so hateful?
I wish someone could answer me that. I just did the same thing last week. I spent my only free time to get a bus ticket for my elder sis to go back to Kedah. It was quite last minute and only 1 bus ticket was available and the bus was at night. I called her but she didn't reply. I thought that in case there's no other ticket, I must buy it before it's too late. I was hoping to receive a 'thank you' from her for buying her that ticket but the fact was contrary. Instead of thanking me, she refused to accept that ticket and blamed me for spoiling her plan because she wanted to go back earlier but I asked her to wait for me. I got a ticket from a friend but didn't know that she can't go back on Sunday, that was why I went to buy another ticket for her. There's only one ticket left and I had to take the Sunday 's one. It was uneasy to get a ticket at such a last minute and since I've decided to go home, I must go back during that period of time! I can't waste anymore time. I was freaked out when she hanged the phone just like that. Without any apology? Or I'm the one who should apologized? Is it my fault for trying so hard to do something for other people's sake and in the end just realised that they don't wish me to do it.
I am confused. What should I do and what should I not do? While on my way back to Uni in August, I sent my younger sis a message to say that I am sorry and I don't wish her to angry, but realised that it doesn't work. I am not in her friend list now; I sent a message to my elder sis asking why she treated me like that and I was pissed off, she didn't reply until today. I'd decided to give it up, I will not be angry of her because she is my sister. How am I going to do, angry her forever? I don't hate anyone. Anyway, anyhow, they are my family. Until when you lose it, you just realised that it is gone forever.
When there is a problem between you and your family which involves feelings, there must be a person who is willing to make the first step. I have make my step. What about the others? I have no idea what to do now besides feeling hurt. I am disheartened.
I will do anything to tolerate. Don't push me away. If my existence is a matter to you, I wish I was never here. I just want everybody to leave in peace.
Perhaps I shouldn't wish for anything. Dreams never come true. I'll just accept the fact that this problem will never be repaired. There will always be a wound inside me, a remarkable scar which reminds me not to redo the same thing again, as I do not know whether it is a mistake, I better avoid it.
Not Afraid - Eminem
The 'king of rap'!
His songs really inspire... Worth listening, especially this one!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Bye Bye Braces
What am I crapping? I am suppose to upload my ugly ugly photo.. Here it is! The reason for the past 2 years why I stopped saying 'cheese' in front of the camera.....

This is how I look after taking off my braces, still the same old fat me...=.=
I'm not used to my teeth, really. They looked new, lol!
I'm getting used to it now, it has been 2 months right, hehe....
My eye bags are getting bigger and bigger now. Haiz. Why my make-up skill sucks? I failed to cover them. But I still think I look better with eye bags. At least I know I'm born for something now - born to have eye bags. LOL!!
Kiss goodbye to my braces. Now I only have to wear retainer, full time for 3 months and part time for 1 year. I'm not following though, my foretooth is out of shape a little again.. I deserved it because I didn't follow the doctor's advice. T__T
Time to sleep now. Goodnight! :)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Step up 3D!!
One of them is definitely the last part of the show, the final dance! It was super amazing watching the team dancing with the lights over their body. The lights kept changing with the super accurate timing! Of course I know it's mainly the effect of the film. But it was super cool when watching it in 3D! If you guys haven't watch Step Up 3D, I strongly suggest that you guys watch it in 3D! Just the spend a few bucks more and you can enjoy the best vision! hehe!

The second one is the robotic dance. OMG FREAKING CRAZY THAT GUY IS REALLY A ROBOT FREAK! Damn cool man!!! The whole effect of the dance was really fowesome!
The third part is the round 2 of the world battle - dancing on water. I was totally crazy over Moose!! From a curly hair cute little guy, he suddenly transformed into such a cool person! I was moved by him when seeing him dancing with his body all wet! Yeah... he's hell sexy man! haha... Go Moose!!
I've downloaded almost every songs in Step Up 3D album, around 20 of them, hehe.. I kinda hook up with This Girl by Laza Morgan. This song is really romantic, love it! ;)
You can find the list of songs in Step Up 3D from this link. Just copy and paste. ^^
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Numbness in me
I was surrounding by many people and there a lot of noises. I heard nothing and I only see the notes in front of me. The words spoken were still lingering in my mind. I can't get rid of them.
Are they lies? For what have happened all these while, are they real? The reality seems fake, maybe I was dreaming. Or maybe not, I'm in fact living in reality. I don't know the truth!
Perhaps I should just forget what they have said and act like nothing happens. It was just some mere statements of suggestion, they don't symbolized anything or have any implied meanings. They were just some idiot discussions! Nonsense!! Why should I keep it in my heart? I should forget about it! I'm only troubling myself.
Now, I just want to feel something. Feel what's living in my heart and his. If only I can read minds and study human's heart, how cool will that be.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Fucked Up!
I have been to Guilin in China for a week and I skipped whole week's class. I wanted to post about my trip but I can't wait to write this before I continue posting other entries on my blog. Yes, I can't wait because I'm impatient! I can't read or focus in class if I don't write it out now. I was already stress when I was on the way back to Malaysia when thinking of today. Because I know that there'll be many things to be done and many things to catch up. But I'm a quick learner, I learned to adapt myself in the shortest period of time. I'm prepared to complete all the tasks given after I reached my college at night. I've lost my mood to share the happiness during my trip. Luckily I have Carol and TSP helping me to sort things up. Really thanks a lot girls although you all went to Ipoh without me. :( Nah, just joking I won't put that in heart. Hehe..
The only thing I'm upset with is the schedule of this semester. I have 2 "extra" classes which started very late and have a big gap with the classes before them. The worst thing is that two classes are on Thursday and Friday respectively. Meaning that I have to go to my faculty purposely just to attend that two classes on that two days. I'm mentally freaked out now. I feel so stress and so moodless. Why things have to turn out like that? What for we have to fight so hard to register our tutorial classes when the lecturer can "kick out" those who were late to class and let those "extra" names to stay because they "make effort" to attend the class early. I'm fucked up now! I always say this system is very lame and it didn't disappoint me, it is very very very lame indeed!
Now I dream to change my Friday class now because I know it's impossible for Thursday's. Otherwise, I'll lose my mood for this whole sem. =.= God bless me!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tommy Keng
Panasonic Girls
After 4 days working, besides earning some pocket money, I have known some new friends too!
I was on duty together with these girl.
(from left) Jess, Yori, Xuanie and Eleen.
Eleen is 22, from SP. She is my cousin brother’s ex school mate! haha. She has once working at a law firm in Penang before she work with Panasonic. So I got many details of working at a firm from her.
I don’t know why me and Eleen click very well. We could talk a lot although we only met for the first day. Of course I talk with others too but I feel like we were similar in certain ways. That’s why I feel comfortable and safe when communicate with her. Her impression to me is she has a mature mind, always looking for solutions when meets with problem and she is very slim and thin! Why can’t the people around me can’t grow fat! =.=”
As I’ve said, the work was very relaxing that we have time to cam whore, texting, playing sudoku and also chatting! Haha.. It was such a coincidence that her boyfriend, Zen is the guy I’ve known a few years ago in msn. Haha.. Not that he was flirting around but he is from Alor Star too and is quite handsome! (I’m not lying, Eleen is together with him because she says he’s handsome! haha) Glad to meet him back and also good to know they both are together because I personally think they are a perfect match. Can’t tahan when seeing them so sweet together, made me missing of someone more. :( Oh and I think we both really have fate because her birthday is same with my sisters! Holy~ xD
This is Yori. (she’s gonna kill me if she sees this!!) She was playing Sudoku and posing like this when I was about to snap a picture of her! haha.. She’s only 19.
She is not the simple type because I think her life is quite complicated. Knowing these people, I only know that everyone’s life can be so different to such extent that I will never think my life would be like that and I would never want to experience that kind of life! Don’t look at her like very healthy, she had once fell from the roof when she was drunk and she broke her left hand’s bone and her right hand bones cracked! I still can see the scar of the operation on her left hand. Anyway, I happy for her that she had found someone she loves and who treasures her. Although it’s not a normal love and might not be normal for her too, but at least she is happy now.
I imagined that if one day my son/daughter has abnormal love like her, what should I do. What is wrong and what is right? To many adults, what they think is right is actually wrong because it only makes the condition goes worse. Adults are stubborn, I am too, stubborn. That’s why I don’t click well with my parents because I rebels them a lot. Only when I left my home to study, I grow mature and started to understand how hard they feed us. Every parents have hopes on their children, the higher they demand, the more heartbreaks they get when we disappoint them. But what if one day my children disappoint me? Will I scold them or ask them to leave the house like in the drama? I think no matter what have happen, we should give them support when they need it and always direct them to the right path since young. Courage is very important to someone who is growing instead of scolding, canning and rejecting. Of course, what is wrong must be stopped too before it get worse. So what is wrong and what is right? There is no certainty.
Jess. She’s from Chung Ling Butterworth, I guess some of you from KMK might know her. Hehe.. What could I say? The world is small. lol!
Jess is very tall, she’s 170. Somehow she reminds me of Shereen because they almost have the same height and skin colour. Haha. She is very good in make-up and hairdos. But during our working days she didn’t make up, just in Alor Star only ma. Haha. So kesian her because on the third day she fell down from stairs and couldn’t go to work because it was very painful. Her boyfriend, Sam (our supervisor) was so nervous about her as she had undergone surgery for 2 times. Luckily nothing bad happens to her. She came to work on the last day and we took some photos together. ^^
I like our uniforms, making us look clean and fresh. :)
Seriously I think Yori and Jess look great in photos. They have the potential to be models on magazines. Haha.
Eleen was looking away because there were customers entering. Haha!! XD
Acting ugly or acting cute? lol
Last words, I’m glad to know you girls. Take care in the next 6 months and happy earning! :D If I’m in Seremban this year end perhaps we can meet up! Contact you guys on facebook.
p/s: Hope that we can still be good friends, Eleen. :)
My Rescuer!
Again, I spent my money on skin products! haha… I’ll just have to invest on different products to search for the finest one! And I think I’ve found it because I know it’s worth it!
During months ago there was a promotion at my college. One of the Mayfair agents came approached me and persuaded me to sign an agreement with them for some trials! If I sign it, I can get 4 free vouchers and some 50% discount vouchers and the whole thing only costs me RM 30 / Rm60.. Sorry because it was quite long ago so I hardly can remember the price but I know it’s freaking cheap as normal treatment already costs RM100 and above!
These are for FREE! I had used up the lifting facial and slimming spot program.
The lifting facial was very magical, my face flow in radiant after facial! I was like “OMG my face is glowing!” Before that when I was at home, my mom asked me why did I look so dark? I seldom expose myself under the sun but I don’t know why my skin tone is very dull. It seemed like I had found my rescuer so I decided to inquire them about their skin products when I went to try out their slimming spot program.
Talking about the slimming spot program, it was quite new and special to me because I never try any! Haha.. (that’s why I’m still FAT!! =.=) They have 3 steps of slimming. The first one is using electric shot to massage our body part, I felt quite scary when I heard of it but it was not as horrible as I thought. Haha. Next is the vibrate slimming machine for 10 minutes and the last step is chili wrap. Chili wrap is wrapping the whole body with plastic wrap and also apply chili cream before wrapping. The consultant told me it helps to shape my body besides burning fat. I didn’t sign up for the slimming program although they offer me at a very low price because I think it won’t be very effective on me and this way of slimming is only temporary. Plus, I’m don’t think I’m fat until that extent that need this slimming program to slim down. haha! The main point is on my determination to control my diet and do exercise regularly. So don’t need to waste money on this. Hehe.
Still left 2 free vouchers. Not sure if I’ll use them yet, haha.
These are the products that I’ve bought.
This is the cleansing milk. My consultant, Chloe (she’s a sweet girl same age as me :) ) recommended me to use two types of cleanser as my skin is the combination of dry and oily. Because it was beyond my budget so I only bought this cleansing milk and didn’t buy the cleansing gel. I use this cleansing milk first, it cleanses face and keep it moisturizes. After that I use the face soap that I bought from Delia Spa earlier to balance the moisturize level of my face. My face would be oily if I only use the cleansing milk and if I use the face soap alone, my skin would be very dry. So I have to use both. I feel comfortable after wash it twice with different types of cleanser.
This is the moisturizer cream. I was once told that Asian people don’t have to use moisturizer because our face will become oily after using it. I think it depends on which products we used because many products are based on the foreigners’ skin where the weather of the place they habitat is different than ours. I can see the effectiveness of this product as after using it, my skin tone turns brighter and healthier. Say bye bye to dark spots! Yay~ :)
This is the magical mask which makes the face glow in radiant!
To open the cover just twist it, the cover will not come out. =)
Actually I haven’t try out the mask yet. Otherwise I can take some photos and let you guys see the differences of before and after. Lol. I need a mask brush before I can use it but I can’t find any at Watson’s or Guardian’s. Any of you know where to get a mask brush? If yes please share it with me. Thanks! :)
p/s: I’m not promoting for Mayfair. Just sharing my excitement and happiness of getting great products. :D
Saturday, July 3, 2010
No Bra No Luck!!
What a turn off in World Cup. Brazil was knocked off by Holland?!! Why didn’t the Brazilians wear yellow instead of blue? That’s why they don’t have luck today. And shitty Holland played so rude! Damn Robin Van Persie and Arjen Robben!!!!!! Feel like wanna give them to taste my fists on their face!!!
Oh crap.. I just got too excited and still can’t calm down! The fact is out. Brazil has lost! T_____T
Hopefully Argentina can make it to the world cup tomorrow. Knock off Germany!!! Go ARgentina!!!!!
Panasonic Roadshow
Yesterday I got a job offer from a friend as a replacement for someone. The roadshow is now going on for 4 days, starting from 1st July – 4th July at Alor Star Mall’s main entrance. If you guys are passing by, please pay us a visit! I’m not doing sales but just demo the electronic equipments for the customers.
The roadshow is actually ON the lorries which is connected by a passage. Below is the display settings in the first lorry.
For Display: hair dryers, shavers (men and women), face steamer, pore cleanser and behind me are the salon equipments.
The brochures.
This is the most ‘geng’ foam epilator. It spins 360 degrees and it really works!
I’ve tried it. :D
The second lorry is displaying other electronic stuffs like washing machine, refrigerator, light bolts and stuffs.
This is one of the main attraction.
Why? Because it helps to clean your butt after shitting! This is my first time seeing such high-tech stuff.
2 different modes for male and female. lOl
This is the magical stick which helps to wash your butt hole. Eww..
I wonder if people buy this? Why just don’t use hand? So lazy meh….. Btw, I wonder if it wash it clean. =.=
Demo only lah.. Wanna try? Try it at home lah..haha!
Ahem.. This job is so relaxing that I can’t stop cam-whoring. LOL! (If I don’t I’ll be super bored)
Beside the toilet. haha!
Our beautiful uniform. hehe!
If you are coming, don’t miss out the 3D panasonic tv!
Blur vision? Put on the 3D glasses!!
This is it. ^^
Haha. Me again. XD
My friends who came to visit me on my first day. So bei min.. haha!
Thanks ya!! ^^
This is just the perfect spot for photo shooting, don’t this? LOL!
Tomorrow is Friday so I’m sure there’ll be more people coming. Dear is going to Nan Jing tomorrow then to Shanghai to watch 世博会. I got jealous when I think of it. Haha!
After working, my parents came to pick me up and we went to the airport to pick my sis as she is arriving today from London-KL then KL-AS. I was so surprise when I met Boon Pin and Penny at the airport! They really surprise me because I didn’t expect to meet them at THE AIRPORT!!
We had memories at the airport. I still remember we always do stupid stuffs like learning to drive Boon Pin’s BMW (because it’s a car) at the airport as there is less vehicles. Haha! They were waiting for Shin Yun to arrive, she was on the same flight as my sis. Woohoo~ We chat for a while before they came out. I felt quite regretful for not keeping in touch and maintain our friendship. But I still miss them. Hopefully we can arrange some time and meet on Sunday! Wait to see you guys! :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Step Up 3D
lol… I think it should be Step Up 3D instead of Street Dance 3D.
I’m looking forward to this movie! Some of the dancers are from Britain’s Got Talent. I’m sure it’s gonna be a great and breathtaking one! :D
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My mood turned down when I think about my future and what I will through when new semester begins. Soon I’m going to be a third year student.
I don’t know why I’m being aggressive when I heard my friend told me that we can register new course now but actually it only opened to juniors only, not yet our turn. I called some of my juniors to ask them to register for me by using their account but I failed due to the clash of them and the same course that we want to take. I told myself: Relax, there’s nothing to rush. Why am I so kia su?
Actually I have been quite a passive person since my university life begins. I feel pressure with the surroundings, the people and everything. I’m being so pessimistic all the time because I feel that I don’t have the requirements to be a lawyer – my English is poor, my advocacy skills sucks and I’m not sensitive to the most recent issues as well as the past ones. In short, I’m a failure.
Am I thinking too much? I’m actually starting to imagine how my future is going to be. Eventually I’ll be dead competing with thousands of law students and law graduates during attachment or chambering. Don’t be surprise when you see me like this. I think my old friends never see this side of me before, so pessimistic. I hate when I’m like this.
But someone inspires me. Her actions told me not to give up. She is my cousin who lives next door. When I was young, we played mamasak together and went tuition English at Mr Foo together. We actually grow up together. The difference was, we never been to the same schools. Honestly, my school results are always better than her. But we never bother about this. She’s good in cooking, drawing and designing. She had completed Diploma in Interior Design. After 2 years working, she had decided to continue her degree for the same course because she realized that graduate with diploma can’t survive in this community.
Tomorrow she’s going to fly to Penang and KL and then Ireland. Yes, she’s pursuing her studies in Ireland. SHE IS GOING ALONE!!! Her course will be started on September actually but she’s going early to find job. Her parents paid the fees for her but she’ll have to settle the daily expenses on her on. She’ll probably carrying a dictionary wherever she goes because her English is very weak. (no offence)
She’s really a tough girl. I know she’s worrying about many things, worrying that she can’t communicate with the people there, can’t find job or can’t find cheap accommodation. But I know EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!
I will install Skype soon so that you can talk to me whenever you want. I might want to talk to you too when I miss you. Haha. So regretful that I can’t have a farewell with her because everything is too pack and sudden. I’ll see you in a year’s time!
The telly is screening 第二十一届金曲奖 and it makes me feel like crying when I hear JJ singing this song - 张惠妹《掉了》(阿妹 won many awards tonight. Gratz!) haha..
His singing is really amazing! I love his voice.
黑色笑靨掉了 雪白眼淚掉了 該出現的所有表情瞬間掉了
瞳孔沒有顏色 結了冰的長河 回憶是最可怕的敵人
故事情節掉了 主角對白掉了 該屬于劇中的對腳戲也掉了
胸口沒有快樂 斷了翅的白鴿 不枯萎的藉口全掉了
There is nothing I can’t acheieve in this world, as long as I put enough effort in it! Believe in myself. I CAN DO IT!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
This is the chocolate that I’m talking about when I post “I miss that Chocolate” on my facebook status yesterday. Haha..
Finally I know what the chocolate’s name is. It’s WHITTAKER’S!!! The one I love is almond bar.
I can finish this whole bar while watching tv. Ultimate love! :)
This is just a photo that I googled. I’m sure I can take a real pic of my own SOON! haha…..
Miss it a lot!
Friday, June 25, 2010
I’m so free at home that my uncle gave me a task – help him to type the donating name list, 16 pages and it’s all chinese name! Swt….. I’m working on it now. 11 pages to go.. hehe!
It’s 25 June already, short sem has ended (hooray for those who had short sem).
My sem break is coming to an end soon. During this holiday I seldom meet with friends if compared to previous break. I only meet some of them for not more than 10 times in 60days, for many reasons. Besides, I have been attending yoga class at Cheah Dance Studio (near Keat Hwa). This is one of my favourite activites throughout this holiday. I attend the class a few times a week, sometimes twice a week, depends on the schedule. I love doing yoga because it really helps to burn fat! haha.. That’s one of the reason actually. Yoga really can relax my mind as it goes with the music and it’s good for health. My big belly has shrunk a bit now (my boobs shrunk too as I was starting to lose weight! shit.) but it (refer to my belly) begins to grow when I didn’t continue doing it. Haiz. Why do I grow fat so easily?
Bi is going to fly home on today’s midnight. Sob.. I’m gonna miss him more than now. My days will be more bored when he goes back because he’ll be busy gathering with friends and no time to talk to me. Plus, the sms rate is more expensive for him. T.T But this suffer is not going to last long, we will meet after 2 weeks! It’ll past in just a blink of an eye (self-consolation). So in the mean time I must find something to do so that I won’t feel dying at home. Doing nothing will make time runs slower. It’s true.
But I’m so lazy to do anything now. Perhaps I should rest enough and keep energy to prepare for the new coming sem. I’m going to be a 3rd year undergraduate!
Oh ya, new sem means Nougats will be arriving soon! (really a big inspiration to me, haha!) Carol’s cousin – Raymond is going to fly over from Australia and deliver some chocolate to us as well. haha! Looking forward to meet him since we only talk on facebook. :)
New sem! New hope! Going to work hard on it. Go!Go!Go!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Just imagine you went out to yam cha with some friends at 9pm at somewhere nearby your house. Your last time yam cha session with friends was weeks ago and you hardly arrange a meeting with your friends during your two months break. You guys were talking and laughing on something and while you were on the peak of the talk, your family called and asked you to go home immediately otherwise they’ll lock the door. It wasn’t even 11pm yet! What the shit….
To whom who I wish them to read this:
You need to give me some trust so that I can pay you my respect. I too, need to be respected in front of my friends and I need you to respect my friends. Going home late does not mean that girl/boy is bad. Going home late doesn’t mean that I was messing around with some bad guys or doing some bad things outside and I, we know that the public safety is getting worse now. I wouldn’t want myself to get hurt too! I understand you’re just TOO CARE and TOO SERIOUS (only on this issue, how pathetic!) about me but I know where and what I’m doing. It’s already 2010 this year, we are not in year 1990 anymore. You can’t make someone to be conservative like you because we have different minds. If you’re born in the old times and being conservatism, please accept other people to be modern and open because I can accept you to be who you are and I respect you. You just have to catch up with the modern age, time won’t stay and people won’t stay too! The surroundings have developed and changed! It’s normal to know someone of my age had already 2 kids and got married! It’s normal to know that the girl next door aged 15 is not a virgin anymore! I’m not pregnant (just an example and no special meaning but even if someday I am and I’m not married, the liability and responsibility is on me), and I just want to have some tea and chat! I just want to yam cha and have some talks with my friends, in peace. Just like you, you (aunties) love to chat at home all the day but why can’t I just have a few hours with my friends?! That is so unfair! (nothing is fair in this world) 12am is acceptable and I know how to go home. It’s just too over to ask me to go home at 11pm (although just a gap of an hour but 11pm is way too early)! The seat was not even heated by my butt yet.
If you restrict me more, I’ll go against you. But if I have freedom that I wish to have, I won’t misuse it. In contrary I might respect you more and might automatically go home early even if you don’t call.
(have to stress this)
Not every children can be taught in the same way, with the same methods. Think of it.
Just criticized whatever craps if you have ever read this. I don’t care. You make me feel like…not going home anymore. Just a little trust and freedom are all I needed!
p/s: Just letting out some grumpiness so that I can achieve psychological balance. This is good for mental health
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sonotron Therapy
I went to seek for medication today. It’s because the cartilage at my ribs hurt. I feel pain when I wake up in the morning. It has been continuing for more than a year. It doesn’t happen everyday but frequently, especially when I’m laying on my bed, I started to feel pain. I think it’s the car crash aftermath which happened 2 years ago.
The doctor recommended me to do Sonotron therapy. From what I’ve found at SRC website, Sonotron therapy is one of the safest and most effective, totally non-invasive alternative medical therapy for patients with chronic and acute pain in their joints, and other soft tissues, without needing to use drugs nor does it give any adverse side effect. It is recognized by most medical professionals as the medical solution of the 21st century, available today.
This alternative medical therapy is performed by the use of a Sonotron which is a totally non-invasive, patented device that was invented by Dr. Alfonso Di Mino of the United States of America in 1987.
It works by means of a Corona Discharge Beam (patented) that's produced when a low radio frequency of 430 kHz, pulsed at a low sound frequency of 1 kHz is applied to an electrode situated inside a hand-held Applicator.
During therapy, the Corona Discharge Beam is directed to the spot or area of difficulty above the skin of a patient. The device does not touch the patient at all. The therapy is thus totally non-invasive and external, requiring no drugs, comfortable and painless.
The whole process just took me a few minutes and the cost was not very high. I think it varies for each patients in different conditions. Besides, the website says that pain relief can be achieved in as fast as 15 to 45 seconds, I’m not sure it is that effective but I still have to repeat the therapy for a few times in order to fully overcome it. Hope it really can work on me.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
It’s My Life!
Sometimes when my parents are nagging me not to reach home so late at night because there are many bad guys out there and I know that; told me how good, how smart and how successful other people are; asked me to advice my younger sis to study hard because she won’t listen to them; nagged me to do the housework because I kept online at home (lol); not to do this, not to do that and bla bla bla…….. I’ll feel annoy and want to stay away from them, just to be alone where no one can disturb me.
Some people want to be single and don’t want to have kids because they think that being single don’t have to care about other people’s feelings and they have absolute freedom to do what they want to.
Someone told me that having a bro or sis is a burden because if you have any siblings, you’re obliged to help them when they’re in trouble or do anything according to their needs. In contrary, you’ll have the right to reject people’s help because you don’t have any consanguinity relationship.
I can’t agree or think like how they’re thinking because if I keep thinking about it, I won’t be happy. So the easiest way is to accept the fact. The fact that my family loves to nag and I won’t have totally freedom. They nag because they care. Although in life we have lots of responsibility and burdens: paying the bills, take care of the young ones in family, offer help when someone close is in trouble….. Instead of burdens, why don’t just make it a routine in life? It’ll be much more easier in that way.
We can’t be selfish in life and just think of our own happiness. Life is about heart. If you don’t have a heart, you’re not a human. Human being can’t live alone. We have to be there and help each other. That’s the basic of living. Having two sisters in life and tens of cousins are my luck! Although we might fight and argue over something tiny but we share good things together too. That is how we grow up! I’m lucky that I don’t have to play alone at home and no one to share my toys with during my childhood.
I have a weakness. I like to learn what people do and wish to have what people owned. I envied the top student who can score excellent in their CGPA, perhaps they’ll have a brighter future than me. I got jealous when seeing people from rich family going overseas for vacation. I just don’t know how to be thankful and contented of what I’ve owned.
This is just a small confession of myself. Perhaps many people are like me but they don’t admit it. Now I’ve known about my weakness and all I have to do is to change it.
In this world, some people don’t have to work so hard but they gain more than those who work hard all their life but get nothing! The world has never been fair.
Each individuals are different and shouldn’t be compared. I have my own life and people have theirs. I just have to be myself and live life my way. I love my style by the way, living with no stress. I hate to be stressful and dislike a hectic life. But stress is not a thing that we can avoid. So what we can do is to enjoy the stress. “Enjoy” is the keyword. No matter how hard you work, how tired you got everyday, if you learn to enjoy it, you’ll be happy and satisfied.
No one should judge about someone’s life and there’s no such statement as “you should live you life this way”. I have my rights to choose how my life’s going to be. As long as I’m happy for it.
I might not have high hopes or score very well in exams. I’m a law student so what? As long as I have enough to eat and play and be with the ones I love, there’s nothing more to complain.
I love my life and love living it! Who knows what I’m going to be in the future? Who cares? I just wish to have a happy life and live it my way. It’s my life anyway. :)
p/s: Spending is also one of my weakness. Argh…I’ll just gotta stay away from shopping =.=